Questions on The Economy, Government, And Life’s Purpose

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In response to the blog entry, Economics Done By The Balance Formula, there appears to be another dimension here, concerning resources. To cut down our use of non-renewable resources like oil will only extend the availability of these resources. But it’s still a very finite matter. It seems that to make the argument convincing, we need to show that this will indeed be long enough for new replacement resources to become available.

Answer: We don’t have to economize, but only use all the means for a balanced economy of reasonable necessities.

Question: What is the role of government for our next generation?

Answer: We have to educate the masses through the right environment (dissemination), and they will in turn demand changes from the government.

Question: Why do we talk about improving our life on Earth through mutual guarantee, etc.? Is not the aim of creation to progress beyond the physical life on Earth and enter spiritual unity? Will peace in the world not sink us deeper into this dreamlike state we think is reality?

Answer: That’s because for 99% of the world’s population, improving their lives is the purpose of life. And only for the 1%, those who have a point in the heart, the embryo of the soul, is the purpose of life to reveal the upper world. But by uniting together as Galgalta Eynaim and AHP, we reveal the upper world together.

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The Revelation Of The Acting Mind

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe developed from one generation to another by striving to grow our desire to receive pleasure and fulfill it with everything possible. This fulfillment only increases our desire because the moment I receive 100, I immediately want 200, and once I receive 200, I want 400. When fulfillment comes to egoistic desire, it only teases it and pushes it to search for new fulfillment.

Ten pounds of fulfillment enters ten pounds of desire and creates an additional desire inside, which could fit an additional ten pounds of fulfillment within it, in other words, I already want twenty pounds, and so on. Thus fulfillment only increases the desire because it neutralizes the pleasure and thereby produces a new desire, twice the size of the previous one.

And now, according to nature’s program, we are beginning to reveal that we are unable to fulfill our egoistic desire. And on the other hand, we discover that this same desire connects us together. In other words, it is no longer every person’s individual desire that separates them from everyone else, but a desire connected with others. And this creates a double problem.

This development has a special goal: to attain the Creator’s mind. When I only develop inside my egoism, as it has been throughout our entire history, I do not attain any acting intelligence; I do not think about the Creator, someone standing behind me.

But when our egoistic desire begins to manifest itself as an interconnected desire that pertains to a single system, I begin to regard myself in relation to this system. Possibly, I don’t yet understand what is happening, but I already see that there is a separation between what I am able to understand and internalize with my individual, personal mind compared to that which is happening in the world. After all, the world represents a certain enormous system where everything is interconnected: all parts of science, all processes, and all phenomena.

With my individual, isolated mind, I am not able to perceive this system, to fit into it, and to use it for my benefit. This is exactly why today humanity is feeling so helpless. And all of this is in order for us to understand the acting mind, which today is beginning to become revealed to us within the common, perfect system, where all the parts are connected and dependant upon each other.

And if everything is so connected, it turns out that we’re not able to advance, control our state, and improve it. We’re not able to operate in such a state at all, and this is what is now being revealed to humanity. This is done on purpose so that we will advance through this helplessness towards the attainment of the acting mind that governs this system from within.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/21/2011, “The Acting Mind”

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Competition Without A Winner

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Besides everything else, we have to establish contact with economists, but they are guided by specific computational models. We have not developed our own economic model. What axioms should it be based on?

Answer: First of all, we have to accept as a fact that the capitalistic model of the last 70-80 years went bankrupt. A race for consumer goods and services is no longer possible for several reasons: Resources are being depleted, the environment is polluted, and overall, the system no longer functions. We clearly see now that it goes against Nature’s development. It’s not realistic to keep increasing production and consumption; on the contrary, the tendency switched to bearish (downward moving) market activities.

We still want more, but it doesn’t work out. Human society is naturally developing in the other direction, towards unity, and absolutely not to where an egoistic economist would want to lead us. Nothing can be done: Regardless of what they think, everything is developing differently.

As a result, we find ourselves in a crisis, although in reality, it is not a crisis but a dead-end. Our own deadlocked way of thinking puts us into a hopeless situation. Thus, we need to open our eyes and realize that Nature sets a different course. It has its own program, and our counter plans won’t stop it. A stubborn child is sometimes allowed to do something on his or her own in order to learn from their error and to find themselves in a deadlock. And humanity is in that same situation now.

Thus, we have to show evidence that is supported by Nature itself: We are required to be in balance with it, meaning that we have to lower ourselves to the level of a balanced economy. Gradually, we have to “climb down the tree,” and go in a completely different direction, build a new paradigm, and look at life, ourselves, the family institution, employment, and so on through that prism.

First of all, there is no need for everyone to be working 8-10 hours a day. What is it needed for? Look at what is happening to our children. It’s better for them to stay with their mothers. That’s how it has been for ages, and only in the last hundred years we moved the rural population, both men and women, into cities and factories. Free the people from this yoke.

Then children will be getting a good education supported by an “adjusted” television and Internet. Finally, mothers will be spending time with them instead of sending them to full-time day care. Is it a right thing to do to leave a one or two month old baby out of the home from morning till evening? What is it needed for? What good does it do? Who is winning from that? Billions in profits for the rich, besides increasing their bank accounts, bring harm to everyone, and also stop bringing pleasure to them as well.

Thus, we have to build a new perception of the world, a new outlook on life: Everyone is working as much as it is needed for social balance, and not for an imposed “prosperity.” Real prosperity reflects a blossoming of our relationships, with a feeling of life being full, and not an exhausting competition. We’ve had enough of competition with each other for imaginary prizes that melt in our hands.

It’s necessary to consciously and thoughtfully, with the help of upbringing, bring “everyone down to earth” and put their feet firmly on the ground after this prolonged stay with our heads in the clouds of illusions. Otherwise there will be a crash, and we will be learning via troubles and suffering. Thus it’s better to initiate changes through education and alleviate the blows society will have to go through.

We simply have no other choice. The new economy has to gradually lower us to a level of balanced consumption.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/21/2011, “One Commandment”

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“Occupy” Protesters Find Allies In Ranks Of The Wealthy

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Todaynews): “The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protesters — also known as the ’99 percent’ — have struck a chord with at least a few members of an unexpected audience: America’s rich and privileged.

“United under the banner ‘We are the 1 percent: We stand with the 99 percent,’ a band of entrepreneurs, trust fund babies, professionals and inheritors has taken to the web to share their abhorrence of corporate greed and support for tax code changes that would see them pay a higher share of their considerable wealth.

“Among other things, they’re posting their stories on a Tumblr page created by Wealth for the Common Good and Resource Generation, two groups dedicated to working for ‘fair taxation and just wealth distribution.’

“Farhad A. Ebrahimi, 33, who shares his inherited wealth through a charity that he founded, says he attends the Occupy Boston protest every day. … At the protest, he often wears a homemade T-shirt that reads: ‘I’m a member of the 1 percent and I fully support the 99 percent’ on the front, and, ‘Tax me, I’m good for it,’ on the back.”

My Comment: Thus, we are getting closer to understanding the solution to the question of shifting to a society of equal, reasonable consumption. Their funds should be used to organize a common, worldwide, integral upbringing for everyone, especially the unemployed, which will replace their working hours and have their studies be considered the same as work because there won’t be other work in the future!

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Handbook For Humanity

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can The Zohar really become a book for all people, and not just for people with a point in the heart? Or is The Zohar just like any other book to those without a point in the heart?

Answer: The time will come when every person in the world will understand that we are all connected with one another through a certain network of connection. Educated people who are interested in what is happening in the world, who work with it, study it, and examine it are already discovering this.

There are also people who simply have this inner feeling; they are the ten percent of humanity who are altruists and feel the entire world as interconnected. But the fact that the world is interconnected doesn’t really mean anything, people simply think they must treat others well because everyone is tied together.

But when I must involve the world to the extent of my knowledge about the common connection, and when none of the connection nets in our world work: the supply or the education nets, and the industrial or financial sector nets—none of the connections between the people work, then I must know how to fix them. This means I must study. How can I find out about it, where do I learn it? It is not written about it anywhere. Is there a university that teaches it? Where is the map that depicts all my connections with everyone else? None of this exists!

Yet, this network must be revealed between us. How does it become revealed? It becomes revealed when we feel it is vital for us because we want a safe, comfortable, and happy life for ourselves and our children, one without natural phenomenon or blows coming from all directions.

Therefore, we must attain the proper connection between us. So how do we attain it? Kabbalists say: “This special book called The Zohar describes the proper connections between us. Read it if you aspire towards this.” And then I open this book, read one page after another, and I see that it works.

People will see that it works because that is what happens when a large mass of people begin to study. At a minimum, they will somehow need to be connected with Kabbalistic sources, just like religious people read these books today without knowing its inner meaning. The entire Torah speaks about the connection between people, but today they study it in a different way.

We still need to complete The Zohar for All, which we have already started working on, in order to give it to the world since it will be part of the study. People will not be able to manage without this book, as it is written: “The Zohar will help everyone come out of exile, and not just the one percent.” Everyone will need to study it to some extent.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/18/2011, The Zohar

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Approaching The Light

Asking The Light For Acceleration

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: By our nature, every one of us tries to use others to the utmost, without taking the common good into account. So how can a regular person start taking others into consideration?

Answer: This can only happen with the help of the Light that Reforms.

You are forgetting that there is a force operating in creation which drives us. We are puppets. I cease being a puppet when I ask the Light to change me. I do not do anything on my own. The Light makes the actions in the vessels. However, I can influence it with my desire, with my request, “Change me more, accelerate my development.” This is the only thing I can ask from it.

If I attract it, then I advance by the path of acceleration, and this is my only possible personal contribution. Development unfolds one way or another. The only difference is in the extent of the troubles and suffering. I can either advance quickly, consciously, with awareness, by my own desire, or slowly, with “a lot of blood spilled.” But one way or another, I evoke the Lights that change me.

Naturally, I want to use the other for my own benefit and I will never want to unite with him. Why would I? I don’t have some hidden button that can switch the egoistic desire to an altruistic one.

However, if I use the environment and the study, if I persuade myself, if I form a “desire without a desire,” “a prayer before a prayer,” then all of my requests accumulate and work, even if they are insincere, and gradually I truly do begin to deem the quality of bestowal, love, and unification important. “There’s something worthwhile there, after all. I shouldn’t let it go by. It’ll come in handy.”

Sometimes I want it and sometimes I don’t. Later the desire no longer disappears, but it is small. And eventually, from the distant states, I reach a firm, decisive desire: “I want it, and that’s all.” Why? “Because.” What will you get out of it? “I can’t explain that. You wouldn’t understand anyway.” But still? “The Light is working on me. It has changed me and now I want this. The Light changed me because I resorted to all kinds of tricks and contrivances. I did everything I could, I made efforts, and I found.”

We should never forget this principle: Everything is done by the Light, and we can awaken it. Therein lies our free choice. Don’t look for an opportunity to change yourself directly and don’t eat yourself up for being weak. To achieve inner changes, we always have to turn to the Light. And that means constantly raising our prayer to the upper one.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/23/11, “Peace in the World”

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Man The Creator

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: People tend to think that mutual guarantee and unification is a threat to their exclusivity, that it erases their individuality. Every person feels special and does not want to give up this feeling for the sake of unity….

Answer: A person will always keep his exclusivity. No one will have to give up his initial, unique qualities. We unite on a level higher, above them.

Suppose I join a creative association of workers in the television industry: artists, screenwriters, authors, and other creative people who work to create a large-scale piece of art together. Should each of them stand out with his own individuality? Or on the contrary, should each be equally mediocre? Clearly, we need outstanding individuals with unique talents who put forth their best effort for the common endeavor.

We do not lose our exclusivity, but we lower our heads before the goal, before our brainchild. This is exactly what enables every person to reveal himself.

Today nature is placing us in conditions where we will involuntarily have to give up the animate excesses, which actually bring us nothing but harm. We have to build our lives based on what is good for the body, and not exceed this norm by an ounce. After all, anything beyond that leads to diseases and problems.

On the other hand, all of our successive movement, all of our development and flourishing, and the entire abundance of personal qualities will be realized in the spiritual dimension. Stated differently, in society I can find opportunities for self-expression, for personal contribution and participation as a person who is creative and influential. I can do many things in society and I do not demand anything in return besides a normal, sufficient, safe material life. The environment provides for the needs of my animate body, and in all other regards I want to be part of everyone, and there, in the common whole, to find my happiness, pleasure, and vital forces.

That is precisely where I acquire unlimited opportunities. No one limits me, I do not lack anything, and I do not compete with anyone or try to get ahead of those who seem more successful. Like a painter or composer, I realize and express myself fully in my art—in the creative work for the common good. I feel like a creator, and this sensation fills all of my desires.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/23/11, “Peace in the World”

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Exiting Egypt Without Leaving Your Place

Dr. Michael LaitmanAll the picturesque descriptions that are given to us in the Torah tell us about an increasingly stronger connection between human beings. In the spiritual world one doesn’t enter corporeal Egypt, cross the physical Red Sea and the Sinai desert, or reach the corporeal land of Israel. In the spiritual world all of this symbolizes the different degrees of the connection between the souls, between human beings, who connect internally, in their desires.

It is a connection that the Torah tells us about. It doesn’t speak of geography or the history of some group that wandered in the land of Canaan or Egypt. It tells only about the connection in which we discover these degrees. “Go from your land” means to exit your egoistic desires, that is, the life in Babylon. You need to leave this desire and arrive at a bigger one, in which you connect to your group more strongly. This desire is already called the “land of Canaan” (“land” means “desire”).

Later we enter the left line, our desires increase, the evil inclination is revealed more, and this is called the “descent into Egypt.” And when we later ascend from this state of “Egypt” by connecting together, it is said that we are in “the Sinai desert.”

After connecting above all the problems that become revealed in us, we rise to a level called the “land of Israel.” All of these are degrees of connection and not geographical places.

The names are taken from our world, but they are used to name the spiritual degrees. We can take a bus and travel from Babylon to the land of Canaan and then to Egypt and back, but it wouldn’t be a spiritual trip. It would just be a corporeal trip.

It all depends upon how we, sitting in one place, climb the degrees and discover the spiritual worlds within us. It is revealed only according to the strength of the connection between us. As we unite, we discover the spiritual degrees according to the strength of our unity.

We correct all of our “613 desires” only through connection. If a person doesn’t connect with others, he doesn’t fulfill any “commandment,” doesn’t make any correction of the desire to receive. All of the desires are disconnected from each other as a result of the shattering, and they can be corrected only by connecting one to the other.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/14/2011, Writings of Rabash

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Labor Pains

Dr. Michael LaitmanHumanity is experiencing labor pains today. This is the birth of a new world. We ourselves discover these external conditions, while nothing changes in the world itself. There are people in the world today who commit suicide because of the financial crisis or because of fears and other problems. But at the same time you can find people who are not worried about anything and don’t feel the crisis at all.

It all depends on how a person discovers the world, but the world itself has no form of its own. Thus we can relax, think that it is all right, and wait until the regular flow of life will bring us somewhere by itself. Or we can also bring ourselves to a state where we will feel that we can’t agree to remain in this state any longer and must finally connect and discover spirituality, which is only revealed in a connection between us.

Everything depends on the pressure that we ourselves create. And then the usual, relaxed reality in which the rest of the people live will seem to us like the darkness of Egypt. We will feel how our enemies, Pharaoh’s troops, push us from behind, and we must jump into spirituality, like into the Red Sea.

Everything depends on how a person perceives his own state and by this leaves himself no choice but to connect with others.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/14/2011, Writings of Rabash

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What Is Missing To Make A Breakthrough

Dr. Michael LaitmanOnce, in the days when I studied with Rabash, the group was in a state of special inspiration, and I asked Rabash: “What are we missing to make a breakthrough?” He replied: “An attack is missing.”

It was a year when we invested great efforts in preparations for the holiday of Sukkot. We built a new Sukkah according to stringent rules that Rabash wanted to uphold. It was made entirely of wood, without a single nail made from metal, and with the covering so dense that the light could hardly pass through it.

We invested a lot in it by working together, and maybe because of that, a very special, warm atmosphere was created. Rabash gave special explanations in his lessons, or it just seemed this way to us because we were able to grasp more. And then I asked: “What else are we missing? In the course of a week, we are together in a Sukkah each day, learning and talking. Why doesn’t it happen?”

And then he said that it still wasn’t enough. In order to reach a connection, an attack was needed. That’s the way it was during the exit from Egypt. The people joined together and then they escaped. It is not possible to exit without a connection. It was that way before as well, when the people of Israel sighed from the hard work in the store-cities of Pithom and Ramses and cried together to the Creator, having felt that they wouldn’t succeed.

And it was also that way at the parting of the Red Sea when they felt the troops of Pharaoh catching up with them from behind and before them the Red Sea was blocking the way. And when they stood at the foot of Mount Sinai, on one side the women pushing them (and it is written that the people exited Egypt thanks to the righteous women who put pressure on the men), and from the other side the Creator placed a condition: Either you connect or this will be the place of your burial.

We see that the conditions that are revealed here are not at all simple. They are like labor pains. It is only if we accept these conditions that we will really be born into the new world.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/14/2011, Writings of Rabash

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