Everything Unnecessary Will Vanish!

israelIn the News (from Bloomberg):Five Banks Seized, Raising U.S. Tally This Year to 45” Five U.S. banks with total assets of about $1.04 billion were seized by regulators, pushing this year’s tally of failures to 45 as a recession drives up unemployment and home foreclosures.

My Comment: Financial institutes are changing their configurations and  some of them will vanish. The extra, unnecessary enterprises will need to close. Salvation is in educating the population!

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Banks Continuing Egoism Will Deepen The Crisis
Laitman.com Post: Why Do We Have Everything, Yet We Have Nothing?
Laitman.com Post: Today The Whole World Is Like A Child That Needs Education
Bail Yourself Out: Chapter 8:”A Way Out of the Woods”

A Woman Is Right To Demand Marriage And Children

electTwo questions I received regarding relationships and the spiritual path:

Question: I got married in Peru. After a few years of marriage, my husband left me and our two daughters. Out of despair, I left to go work in Korea. There, I met a good man and we’ve been together 12 years, and have a son who is 9. Is it necessary for me to get an official divorce in order to form a Kabbalistic family?

My Answer: No. No method of registering a person’s marital status invented and performed in this world has any influence on your spiritual development.

Question: I have been studying Kabbalah for almost two years and have been actively involved in dissemination. My partner has also been doing the same. Since I started studying Kabbalah, I’ve come to understand that I want our relationship to be formalized through marriage and that I want to have children. However, he doesn’t feel the same, although he wants to continue living with me. Is my desire proper?

My Answer: You are right to demand marriage and children. Pass my opinion on to him. A person who is working on his spiritual correction has to do everything that regular people do in this world. It is said: “I dwell among my people,” (Be toch ami anochi echevet).

Related Material:
Laitman.com: The Crisis Will Erase The War Of The Sexes
Laitman.com Post: There Is A Purpose To The Turbulence In Our Lives
Kabbalah Today Article: Man, Woman, And The Snake Between Them
Booklet: “Family”

Restoring Nature’s Pristine State By Changing Our Consciousness

laitman_2009-07_0211A question I received: How soon after (or before) the correction will the environment (the eco and bio-systems) return to its original balanced state?

My Answer: As soon as we begin to theoretically agree with its plan, Nature will immediately begin to change Nature is connected to our consciousness and subconsciousness, and even the slightest change in both will cause an immediate reaction. Nature is a precise mechanism and we, not some hypothetical divine court, are responsible for the changes it undergoes.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: All Harm Is Caused By Our Egoistic Thoughts
Laitman.com Post: Don’t Mess With Nature’s Balance!
Laitman.com Post: Man’s Physical Actions Have No Effect On Climate Change
Kabbalah for Beginners: “Crisis and Correction”

The Result Of Incorrect Upbringing


In the News (from Stuff):Australia – a nation of ‘mummy’s boys‘” Australian mothers are breeding a generation of “mummies’ boys”, new data reveals…Social demographer Bernard Salt says new figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that 27 per cent of men aged between 20 and 34 are still living with their parents…A generation ago men generally left home at 18 and were fending for themselves managing their own households and budgets, he said…”If you’ve got mummy picking up your dirty washing at 27 you never actually learn those skills.”

My Comment: The absence of a correct upbringing, (meaning not organized as dictated by Nature) combined with an aggressive environment (uncorrected egoism) are responsible for this outcome where men don’t want to become independent. What is the point of leaving home?

Separation is absolutely opposite to Nature! For thousands of years, even after marrying, men did not leave their parents. What the modern family is missing isn’t independence to form a family but the ability to do it in accordance with advice from elders and in a close circle of relatives.

Nature is opposite to the modern concept of the “independent” family unit. In general, correction can happen only in proximity to others. In the future, we will reinstate natural relations between generations and then our men and women will want to create families and have children.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Great Britain Is Raising A Generation Of Bums
Laitman.com Post: How To Help The Vulnerable Young Generation
Laitman.com Post: Love, Family And The Purpose Of Creation
Article: “My Parents Are Dinosaurs”
Relationships: “Family”

The Crisis Is A Call For Us To Ascend Above This World

lawsThe current situation in the world is such that we can descend to the greatest depth of suffering and problems until, after many blows, our senses and our rationale will show us that this is a dead-end state.

However, we can immediately begin to understand that this descent is given to us so that we can ascend.  We are being shown that the crisis that is currently tearing us away from our former upbringing, money, honor, and power, is showing us that this world is tumbling down into an abyss.  As a result, we are being called to rise above the crisis, instead of looking for a worry-free life here.

Therefore, we are now sent this suffering as help for us as individuals, and also for the entire world to tear away from the past. Within the resultant empty space, we will come to wish to feel the Creator (BO-RE, come and see), the quality of bestowal. We will wish to feel this quality, to submerge ourselves in it, within this empty space, within the feeling of darkness, and desire the Creator’s  quality to fill us.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Crisis Is One Way To Make Us Accept Nature’s Program And The Method Of Correction
Laitman.com Post: We Are Floating In A Sea Of Information Like Croutons In A Bowl Of Soup
Laitman.com Post: The Creator’s Name Means “Come And See” (Advanced)
Attaining the Worlds Beyond: Chapter 34.”Suffering Sent As Absolute Kindness”
Shamati #4: “What Is the Reason for the Heaviness One Feels When Annulling Before the Creator in the Work”

Kabbalah Teaches Us How To Access Abundance And Perfection

saveA question I received: What should people learn and feel when they first come in touch with the wisdom of Kabbalah?

My Answer: People need to know that the method is revealed here and now to give all of us an opportunity to correct our earthly and spiritual existence and thus come to perfection: filling all voids, revealing the good, rectifying all wrongs and finding the cures to all illnesses.

In other words, the science of Kabbalah explains that here’s a source of abundance and thus it teaches us how to plug directly into that source.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: We Have To Reveal The Magnificence Of The System We’re In
Laitman.com Post: We Are Brought To Perfection Through The Cure Of Absolute Kindness
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: “The Goal of Kabbalah”

Why Should We Have More Than We Need?

you-cant-teach-anyone-through-forceA question I received: We know that in the past many Kabbalists were rather successful businessmen. What did it mean then to be “successful?”

My Answer: On the outside, Kabbalists always resembled other people. That was a period when they had to live like regular people since it was still forbidden to reveal the science of Kabbalah. Were they successful salesmen and did they keep their profits?

Baal HaSulam wrote that a person who studies how to become similar to the Creator, distributes his extra earnings among everyone, leaving only what was necessary for himself.

There has never been a single person who attained the spiritual and kept more for himself than what he required for a normal existence. On the other hand, it is forbidden to place oneself below the acceptable standard of living for the particular period or place.

Related Material:

Laitman.com Post: All But Necessities Should Be Dedicated To Bestowal
Laitman.com Post: Some Even Make A Profit Off Of Expired Food
Kabbalah Today Article: Can We Stop Being Scrooge?
Baal Hasulam Article: “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”- Lesson

All Harm Is Caused By Our Egoistic Thoughts

can-we-control-our-thoughtsIn the News (from NatureNews):Why big eruptions don’t always fuel mass extinctions” – Rocks near the site of a volcano could determine whether an eruption causes catastrophic climate change. Huge volcanic eruptions have sometimes been followed by mass extinctions — but not always. The reason seems to lie in the chemistry of the rocks near the volcano. Photos of a volcanic eruption taken from space.

My Comment: All harm in the world is produced only by human egoistic thoughts. That is why Kabbalah teaches how to correct those thoughts in order to reach equivalence with the surrounding world, to create a balanced society and to feel oneself as a part of Nature, eternal and perfect.

Related Material:

Laitman.com Post: The Most Powerful Force In The World
Laitman.com: Post How To Make Nature Change
Laitman.com Post: Perceiving The World From Beginning To End
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: “Discovering the Unified Structure”

Governing Within A Corrected Society

laitman_2009-06_1300_wA question I received: How will they define what level (of consumption) is necessary for life in the corrected society described by Baal HaSulam? Will each one decide it for himself, or will those who will govern this society (the government) set a common standard for everyone?

My Answer: Apparently a world governing body (a world government) will be created, as it is said, “A capital city cannot be without a ruler.” This will be a government of sages who have attained the Upper World, that is, our next (future) state.  Due to their having attained our future today, they will be able to govern the whole of humanity unmistakably.

When I say “to govern” I mean “to educate,” or more precisely to teach a man how to change himself to become more similar to the quality of Nature (the Creator), which is the quality of bestowal and love. To the extent of this similarity, we will feel ourselves become more perfect, eternal and fulfilled. But everyone will have to make these changes within themselves on their own, voluntarily and independently.

Therefore all governance will be implemented through education. When we talk about a person’s free will to change himself in order to become similar to the Creator, then the environment (society and the government) will have to help everyone realize that each one must become corrected individually, and that the only way to change their life on this earth and their eternal existence is to correct themselves. The governing of the billions of people on the planet by the spiritual government will consist of educating and providing opportunities to everyone to change themselves at the individual level.

Education is the only “reins” that a government has. All other means are based on suppression of freedom manifested as failure of the system and harm to its citizens. This is why proper upbringing and education must be started from the first days that a person enters this world with consistent content included in all educational and social institutions, etc.

In other words, they have to bring a man to the state that when he experiences the blows and negative reactions of society, he will reveal these reactions within himself, thus changing and bringing himself to a more corrected state.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Inner Harmony Of Humanity
Laitman.com Post: Influenced By Kabbalah Instead Of Alcohol
Laitman.com Post: It’s All A Factor Of Society’s Appreciation
Kabbalah Today Article: Time To Act
Baal HaSulam article: “Building the Future Society”

We Are Brought To Perfection Through The Cure Of Absolute Kindness

laitman_2009-06_3382_wA question I received: If one wants to know whether he lives according to the principle of basic necessity – what should one do?

My Answer: Study. There’s nothing but evoking the Light that reforms through studying and coming to know yourself in relation to others, the society and the Creator. By doing this a person corrects himself.

How it actually works, absolutely escapes us. If you’re feeling down – start studying, for it is written “it’s a cure for every flesh.”  The root of all the problems is the crisis, in other words, the destruction and breaking of the common soul, which means that instead of remaining within love, we fell into hatred. Therefore, all we need to correct is that very root of every one of our problems.

The common soul had been in the state of Infinity and then it broke into a myriad of individual souls, separated by egoism. Such is our state today and because of that breaking, all we feel now is this world instead of Infinity. By correcting the breaking by the act of our uniting, we will once again return to the world of Infinity (infinite and eternal perfection).

Perhaps you are asking about a temporary solution. Let’s say that a person is hospitalized with acute pain and he needs surgery, but in the meantime he is given a painkiller, a sedative (not a cure, nor a treatment).

If a person asks for it, you have to help him. But together with the sedative, you need to explain the situation as it is: there’s a program for his development, and he’s under its guidance; there’s a purpose to his life, which is to reach an eternal and perfect state. All of his states and his entire destiny comes from one Source, and that Source is what cures him.

If he is capable of seeing that all is not random and that he has to suffer incessant blows until he comes to find that everything has been done in absolute kindness in order to bring him to his destiny, this realization will calm him down.  This realization is his painkiller. Together with his studies, he begins his treatment, takes control of his destiny and secures his good fortune.

Related Material:

Laitman.com Post: Cure The World, Cure Yourself
Laitman.com Post: Doctors Have A New Diagnosis, “The Crisis Syndrome”
Laitman.com Post: The Most Important Task In Life
Spiritual Search: Seventh Talk – “Two Worlds: Our World And The Spiritual”