Who Is Your Friend In A Kabbalistic Group?

mans-relationship-with-the-creator-is-like-a-dramatic-love-story1A question I received from my student: You say that one should treat one’s friend in the group as a child, with love and without judgment. We have to rise to a higher level of understanding and see that the most important thing is to treat our friends by the principle of “love your friend as yourself.”

But does this mean that we have to ignore insults from our “friends” and refrain from reproaching them even when their actions cause moral and physical harm to us? Every time this happens to me, I want to resolve the situation and I feel as if that person is not my friend. Or, in cases like this, should I just put a distance between myself and that person in order to avoid the negative feelings, even though we both study Kabbalah?

My Answer: Rabash wrote that if you sincerely attempted to resolve the situation with that person, and your attempts failed, then you should leave him alone and act as if you don’t notice him. You have to wait for that person to mature, and when he does, he will become your friend. Keeping this attitude should help you!

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: We Are Always Subject To Nature’s Law Of Love
Laitman.com Post: Hatred And Evil Are Reflections Of Our Inner State
Laitman.com Post: The Purpose Of Our Dependence And Alienation
Article: “Love for the Creator and Love for the Created Beings”
Lesson on the Article: “Attaining the Unity of the Universe”

How Can All The Nations Become As One Family?

globeIn the News (from BBC News): “There is a strongly felt need for a reform of the United Nations Organisation, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth,” the pope wrote in the third encyclical of his papacy… “To manage the global economy, to revive economies hit by the crisis, to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result … there is urgent need of a true world political authority,” he wrote… It “would need to be regulated by law, to observe consistently the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity [and] to seek to establish the common good,” … “Furthermore, such an authority would need to be universally recognised and to be vested with the effective power to ensure security for all, regard for justice, and respect for rights,” said the letter.

My Comment: I agree with this idea, as long as it isn’t mixed up with religion and the religious understanding of moral principles, mercy and the social good. However, the only way to implement it is to change human nature from egoism to bestowal, and this can only be done using the method of Kabbalah.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Truth Belongs To Everyone
Laitman.com Post: The Religion Of The Future Is “Love For The Fellow Man”
Laitman.com Post: Today, Religion Is Being Replaced By Kabbalah
Kabbalah Today Article: Kabbalah Steps in

The Stable Financial Situation In The US Is Deceptive

deceptiveA question I received: I don’t understand you when you say there’s a crisis. In Detroit, for example, even though the factories closed down and stopped manufacturing cars, people started growing their own cabbages and vegetables on city lots. They got used to the new conditions and adapted to them. So, why do you say there’s a crisis?

My Answer: People are feeling a false sense of calmness, which has been “manufactured” in agreement with the banks and other systems. It’s all being done to save President Obama’s image, since he just came to power. The current crisis is being masked by artificial means, but it won’t take long for the next crisis to unfold.

What does it really mean that people have gotten used to the situation and are growing vegetables now? The news will even tell you that the President’s wife is growing vegetables at the White House. All of this is clever and deceitful advertising, leading us to believe that everything is getting back to normal. However, the reality is that nothing can be done about the crisis and no one knows how to stop it. The only thing people can do about it is to hush it up for the time being.

And this is what is being done: more money is being printed and the national debt is increasing. But the people in power cannot go on like this for very long. People will soon see the truth and will realize that we haven’t even entered the real crisis yet. All that has happened thus far is not the real crisis yet; it is still ahead of us. So far, our problems have been mere bubbles created by the financial industry, which continue to grow bigger and bigger.

The only thing to do is to let the events unfold gradually, and to lower our standard of living little by little in an effort to prevent the crisis from hitting us abruptly, as a sudden, terrible blow that will bring about war and destruction. People can get used to anything: for example, they can get used to working just once a week and earning a quarter of their past salaries.  What should not happen is being thwarted with one powerful blow, and instead to ease down slowly. There is no one who knows how to how to avoid the coming fall entirely. It is clear to everyone that the measures being taken at present are like a feast during a plague, and that eventually, we will have to pay for everything.

The fact is that corporations are not producing anything and the layoffs are continuing. Everything’s going downhill. Yet, we are still seeing a picture of prosperity, like a display window at a shop that looks as attractive as usual, or even more so. Yet, inside the shop, all the products have expired long ago. People can’t put enough food on the table with what they make, and everything is dependent on the growing debt.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: A Way Out Of The Dead End Of This World
Laitman.com Post: Unity Among People Is Unique In Nature
Laitman.com Post: Baal HaSulam Describes The Cause Of Suffering And Crisis In The World
Kabbalah Today Article: Navigating Through The Financial Storm

Bestowal To Others Is The Perfect Fulfillment

bestowal1A question I received: If the world reaches a point where everyone will have the average living standard and no one will live beyond this standard, then what will drive people to develop further? What will cause people to move forward in their development?

My Answer: If a person feels pleasure from bestowing to others, if he feels that by uniting with others they create a single vessel, inside of which he senses the Upper Force (the Creator), then the ever-increasing attainment of the Creator that he feels will be his goal and reward. When a person builds the “human” level within by bestowing to others, he corrects his attitude toward them, and this makes him similar to the Creator. Thus, he ascends along 125 spiritual steps to the Final Correction.

When he ascends spiritually, he feels satisfaction and fulfillment, and thus comes closer to the Creator. The fulfillment he feels from this is perfect. It is not temporary and transient, but eternal. It fulfills a person completely, leaving no voids. Moreover, one continuously gains new possibilities for even greater types of fulfillment.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Enjoy Your Love For Others
Laitman.com Post: A Study Of “Generosity Pills” Points To The Source Of Perfect Fulfillment
Laitman.com Post: Life, The Goal The Soul
Baal HaSulam Article: “The Love for the Creator & Love for the Created Beings”

Only The Original Science Of Kabbalah Can Bring Us To Revelation Of The Creator

the2520reshimot2520surfacing2520today2520demand2520spriA question I received: Why do you consider all sciences to be a consequence of the science of Kabbalah?

My Answer: Kabbalah originated 4,500 years ago in Ancient Babylon, and all the secular sciences originated from the science of Kabbalah. True science is a tool by which we attain Nature (or the Creator, which is the same thing). However, in regular, secular science, one attains His qualities egoistically, using one’s will to receive. In ordinary science, one attains the Creator within one’s earthly or materialistic desires.

On the other hand, if a person has the desire to understand the Creator, to attain His plan and the system through which He influences us, if one truly wishes to know Him and His actions and to reveal the deepest meaning of His acts, then to accomplish all this, one has to become like Him. And for that, one must have the desire to learn to bestow. In this case, that person is able to reveal the science that studies the Creator – the science of Kabbalah.

Everything in reality comes from the Creator and is attained within our desires. If a person’s desires have the intention of “for the sake of reception,” then he learns the ordinary, natural sciences, using the desires he was born with. But if his desires are similar to the Creator’s, then he uncovers the truth and understands the Creator’s actions. One attains this to the extent he is similar to Him. To the degree one is similar to Him, one attains His actions, intentions, desires, and His entire plan, as well as its realization.

A person attains all of this inside himelf, by means of equivalence of form with Him. This is how the science of Kabbalah enables one to see the Creator’s world, and is the reason why it is the only true science.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Kabbalah: The Root of All Sciences
Laitman.com Post: The One True Science That Can Reveal The World
Laitman.com Post: We Have To Reveal The Magnificence Of The System We’re In
Article: “Kabbalah as Compared with Other Sciences”
Attaining the Worlds Beyond: Chapter 17 -“Merging with the Creator”

Understanding Starts By Seeing The World Through Another Person’s Eyes

in2520the2520news2520the2520biggest2520physics2520expeA question I received: Do you really think it’s possible to convey Kabbalistic information to the masses? It seems like they are still deaf to it!

My Answer: From childhood, a person perceives this world through examples, models, and images. A person thinks by means of the images that accumulate in his memory and he perceives the world through them. He evaluates and comprehends everything, makes decisions, and performs actions based on the conceptualization of the images.

The system of images and concepts that we receive from childhood, formulates our inner image of the world and our image of ourselves. Over the course of our entire lives, we continuously acquire new images and use them to replace the former ones. It is also possible for new images to fade and the old images to return. The images form due to their repeated occurrence in our surroundings – for example, through repeated exposure to the mass media.

If a person hears or sees something that contradicts his set of images, then he does not understand it, or he rejects the message altogether. Thus, in order for people to understand what we are saying, we have to know how they conceptualize their images and address those images directly, rather than by trying to appeal to basic human logic and common sense.

The more educated a person is, the more flexible his ideas and concepts are. We have to address the masses through their underlying concepts (life values): compassion, cooperation, prosperity, health, work, safety, and their children’s future.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: We Feel Everything Through Comparison With Something Else
Laitman.com Post: The Nonexistent Movie Of Our Reality
Laitman.com Post: People Don’t Have To Hear The Word Kabbalah To Hear Kabbalah’s Message
Bail Yourself Out: Chapter 9: “Creating a Media that Cares”

A Net Of Connection That Binds All Hearts

manA question I received: Is there a scientific explanation for the phenomenon of the Surrounding Light’s influence on our thoughts and desires?

My Answer: There is a great deal of scientific research showing the effect of society’s thoughts on an individual. And it is not really by hearing these thoughts that a person comes to agree with them, depend on them, and perceive them, but he simply absorbs them “from the air.” However, is there really something “in the air”? Can we grasp something that hovers in the air? No, we just say that we do.

Indeed, there is a spiritual net between us, or within our desires, that binds our hearts together. This net operates on us, and we say that it’s “in the air.”

This phenomenon has various consequences, which people notice and study in the natural sciences and psychology. For instance, it is not uncommon for competing mass media sources to come up with the same articles and titles. Although each of them tries to keep its material confidential, nothing can be hidden, because this is human nature.

We exist in one world, and therefore people often express common thoughts. For example, South Korea and South Carolina may simultaneously publish similar articles on the same subject. This phenomenon occurs because people’s thoughts revolve in the inner net of connections among all people and all the elements of Nature in general.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: How The World Is Being Prepared For Revelation Of The Creator
Laitman.com Post: External Manifestations Of Spiritual Experiences Versus Their Inner Essence
Kabbalah Today Article: Floating in a Sea of Information
The Path Of Kabbalah: “The Attributes Of The Light”

Digital Drugs – A New “Comforting” Methodology

laitman_2009-03_41661In the news (from USA Today):Web delivers new worry for parents: Digital drugs” There are different slang terms for digital drugs. They’re often called “idozers” or “idosers.” All rely on the concept of binaural beats … They’re really ambient sounds designed to affect your brain waves … Different sounds are played in each ear. The sounds combine in your brain to create a new frequency. This frequency corresponds to brain wave frequencies… These frequencies are related to different states like relaxation and alertness… The sites claim binaural beats cause the same effects as illegal drugs… If binaural beats work as promised, they are not safe.

My Comment: The experimentation with drugs and other “comforting” methods, and even thoughts about suicide, will soon be replaced by the realization that none of them will solve people’s main problems: providing an answer to the question, “What am I living for?” The need to find the answer will bring people to Kabbalah, which reveals the level or dimension that we came from, and where we go when we leave.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Drugs And Attainment Are Incompatible
Laitman.com Post: What Do You Know, The Jews Are The Original Druggies!
Laitman.com Post: Existing In The Sensation Of The Spiritual
Attaining the Worlds Beyond: ”Suffering Sent As Absolute Kindness”

Man’s Egoistic Nature Is The Root Cause Of The Crisis

laitman_2009-03-18_8399_wIn the News (from The Epoch Times):G8 Should Restart Growth Says Brown” The world needs to wake up to the scale of the downturn and stay focused on restarting growth in recession-hit economies, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told Reuters on the eve of the G8 summit. The run-up to the three-day summit in Italy has been dominated by speculation that China and Russia want to discuss getting rid of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

My Comment: The crisis is not financial, economic, or ecological. The fact is that it’s global and it encompasses the entire human civilization and all areas of life. Therefore, we have to look at the root of the crisis and find the common problem, which is our egoistic nature. This egoism causes mutual hatred among people, and this causes us to be opposite to Nature and to experience antagonism in the form of a common global crisis. Therefore, as long as we don’t agree to change our nature, we will continue to suffer.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Sensation Of Godly Deeds And Goodness
Laitman.com Post: The Realization That Suffering Is The Cleansing Force Of The Crisis
Kabbalah Today Article: The Little Prince Explains the Financial Crisis
Shamati #50: “Two States”

A Request To Return To The Source

laitman_2009-07_0170A question I received: How can we explain in simple terms the technology of the Light that ”brings us back to the Source?”

My Answer: There is a general force in reality, which is a force of bestowal. We perceive it as goodness and as a creator of goodness.

We call this bestowing, kind and goodness-creating force – the Creator or general Nature. It lies in the unification of all the parts of the created Nature, which exist in harmony and absolute interconnection and which possess similar qualities to the force that created them – the quality of bestowal.

We feel bad because we sense that we have left this integral system. If we wish to feel well, we should try to return to this system, which is called perfection. By trying to return to this system by various different means, we awaken a force that influences us from there. This is called the drawing of the Light that reforms, the force that returns us to the general system.

This force acts in accordance with the intensity and the level of our desire – that is, to the extent that we are able to appeal, ask, and demand of the system. This is very much the same way that an infant, a small child, and a grown-up person act differently in our world. The most important thing is that this demand is in accordance with one’s level of development.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Surrounding Light’s Influence Depends On Your Aspiration To The Future State (Advanced)
Laitman.com Post: A True Desire Is Always Answered By The Light
Shamati #213: “Acknowledging the Desire”