It’s Impossible to Run Away From The Global Egoism

a-new-years-wish-to-the-world1Our egoistic development has brought us to a state where we can no longer be satisfied by the little things. But even as our own nature causes us to suffer, we cannot do anything about it. So why do we have to go through failure, suffering, and a life of constant stress? It is in order to reveal that our egoism is evil, and to realize that we have to get rid of our egoism, despite the fact that this seems impossible.

We have no choice: since we cannot reduce the egoism, we must correct it. The phenomenon that is taking place now is completely unprecedented. Today, the will to receive pleasure is growing more than ever and showing us how powerful it is. In fact, it is becoming global, and it cannot be reduced, brought back to the old limits.

People cannot restrict themselves and go back to a simple life, because their egoism is becoming global. One cannot disconnect from the whole world. One can’t say that he doesn’t care about anything and hide away on a piece of land, where he will grow his food and live his life in privacy, leaving others on the other side of the fence to make sense of their world on their own.

The force of globalization and integration has come into effect, and we are all under its influence. The more the general egoistic desire to receive pleasure is revealed in the world, the more we will see how integral it is, and how much it is connecting all of us to each other. And we will then be forced to rise above it!

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