Entries in the 'Man and Woman' Category

Women, Step Forward!

294.2Question: We have a holiday on March 8th—International Women’s Day. It started as a struggle for women’s rights and then turned into a warm international, global women’s holiday. I remember buying my mom Queen of Spades perfume and a bouquet of tulips. We also bought flowers for the girls. And for special girls, beloved ones, maybe Bird’s Milk cake and something else. How was it for you? Do you remember?

Answer: No, I never gave anyone anything except for my mom.

Question: What did you give your mom?

Answer: I sent her a telegram.

Question: Although you were living together?

Answer: Yes.

Question: But when you were little?

Answer: Yes, when I was little, I went to the post office and sent my mom a telegram.

Question: What did you write?

Answer: Congratulations on March 8th, wishing you health, and that is all.

Question: What would you like to wish for our women now?

Dear Women!
From the bottom of my heart, no twist, I love and respect you very much for your huge contribution to fixing the world that your men distort and disfigure.
So let’s continue our work together until the world is fixed. And then all men will understand how much they owe to their women—mothers, daughters, wives. And the world will become calmer and better.

Question: How do women fix the world?

Answer: With their gentle attitude, by not wanting suffering.

Question: Do they intuitively think about their children, that is, this thought immediately arises?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then why do troubles continue and continue?

Answer: It is all because men do such things to the world.

Question: All these games?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So women are not inclined to play games?

Answer: Absolutely not! Women are ready to forgive everything just to have peace. But men are not ready for that. They do not feel like they are achieving anything unless it is through fighting.

Question: What should women do now to come together and raise such a prayer, a cry to stop all of this?

Answer: If women could, then they would make men leave their childish games of war, become more thoughtful, and compel everyone to focus on peace, nature, humanity, and children. But for now, I do not see it.

Comment: But still, you say that women are involved in correction.

My Response: They are involved in correction, but it is very small. They are afraid to step forward.

Question: Do you still have a desire for them to step forward?

Answer: Yes, definitely! They should start governing the world, and the world will become a better place. Exactly then.

Question: Is it due to the fact that they have motherhood in them?

Answer: Yes, They give birth, they want everything to grow, to move forward. But men do not have that.

Question: But still, we both think. A thinking man, a thinking woman.

Answer: A man does not have that deep need for peace in the world. And a woman, she feels with her womb.

That is why this holiday, March 8th, is truly a special holiday. A holiday of hope for correction.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/4/24

Related Material:
We Can Only Rely On Women
Women’s Connection
The Last Generation—The Time Of Women

Do Not Give Up even when Love Is Dead

294.2Question: There is a wise saying for the difference between like and love. When you like a flower, you pick it. If you love a flower, you water it daily.

What does it mean to love, to water a flower?

Answer: It is very simple. It is to understand what the one you love needs and to provide it for him or her, to fill them, to “water” them.

Question: So do I first need to find out what this person needs and give it to him? Is this called love?

Answer: This is indeed called love.

Question: So when I see a withering flower, for example, it is easier for me to water it, see it start to lift its head, and suddenly come to life. And when love withers away completely and the flower dies, do we then lose hope or do we still water it?

Answer: What else is left?

Comment: Leave it. Look for another flower. Or should I still water it?

My Response: I think you should still water it.

Comment: That is, this hope should be.

My Response: You can revive it with your feelings and by giving it water.

Comment: We are talking about love, which is believed to not be there. However, you feel that there is no such thing as no love there. You say we can revive it.

My Response: Yes, absolutely nothing disappears.

Question: Is something still alive there? It is so beyond reason after all. How can we believe it?

Answer: It is beyond reason, but we can see it in nature, too.

Question: As when something suddenly sprouts from a completely barren land?

Answer: Yes. We can overcome even the state of death.

Question: Can we overcome a dead, withered state?

Answer: At any state, at the vegetative level, at the animal and human levels.

Question: How can I convince myself of this? This is the most important thing.

Answer: It all depends solely on the expansion of your inner feelings. If you want, even the Pharaoh’s mummy will come to life. Let us say he was buried two or three thousand years ago, and your attitude toward him reorients itself so he begins to come to life.

Question: When you say “come to life,” what do you mean?

Answer: To live at our level.

Question: Meaning, will all the vital forces come back to him? This is not fiction?

Answer: It will not be fiction.

Comment: But in our current state, the way we understand things now, this is just pure fantasy.

Answer: Of course. This is decomposition into natural elements.

Question: Can we put them back together with our efforts?

Answer: We can bring them back together; we can do it.

Question: Where can I get the patience to work in this way?

Answer: No one has the patience. But there is an understanding of the process you are talking about. Let us say love has died in you now. And then what?

Question: Where to get the patience, as you say, to even raise the dead?

Answer: Let us say you have realized you are able to revive it with your efforts during, say, fifty years.

Question: Do I have to invest fifty years into this?

Answer: No, you are not thinking of investing fifty years into this. You are thinking of what you are reviving. The years become unimportant; you are already living the outcome.

Question: This is beautiful! Is this the way to live?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then all my efforts matter less, everything I invest into it fades in the face of this goal, this revival. And then I will revive it?

Answer: Yes, of course. Your spirit will penetrate this dead state, and it will sprout.

Question: When can I give up, raise my hands because I am unable to revive it? Is there such a thing?

Answer: That is weakness.

Question: Is it really a weakness? And does it come to the person all the time? How do I work with it?

Answer: I once had a neighbor in the next apartment whose little son was ill with brain inflammation. I remember how, at about two or three in the morning, as I was going to the lesson, she knocked on my door and brought me this child, a little bundle, handed him over, and said hopelessly: “Take him.” That was it. That is the kind of state we cannot get to. Fight it!

Question: So, no surrender, neither with what I see nor with what I hear? Is that all?

Answer: Keep going!

Question: Is this what we call coming to real prayer?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: It is not easy!

Answer: But in my story, it was already too late. The child was already… the body was still reacting somehow, but everything inside was already nearly dead.

Question: And yet you say we cannot give up? Should that never happen?

Answer: Never.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/27/23

Related Material:
Love Is A Beast
What To Do If Love Is Gone?
How To Save A Marriage

Do Not Listen to the Bulls

278.03Comment: A lion and a bull are having dinner together. The lion receives a call from his wife: “Are you coming home soon?” “Yes, darling, I will be there soon,” says the lion.

The bull looks at him surprised: “Well, you are a lion, the king of all animals. I answer to my wife: “This is none of your business, I will come when I want.” To which the lion says to him: “Do not compare us, your wife is a cow, and mine is a lioness.”

My Response: This is good!

Question: Is respect for a wife a behavior of a lion?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What do you mean by respecting a wife?

Answer: I mean love, understanding, and mutual connection. All this should be present. And I am demonstrating it all loudly and openly.

Question: Are you not paying attention to the bulls who are saying: “What are you doing? You are a lion, the king of the animals. Why are you talking to her like that?”

Answer: No.

Question: Please tell me what comes first: Am I raising a lioness at home, or does a lioness make me a lion after all? What happens first here?

Answer: I think the opposite is true here, the lioness makes you a lion. But I want to say this: What would happen if you talked to your little daughter or your son like that? You would lower yourself and speak softly. Why not with the wife?

You must always feel that you are above everyone, and therefore you must be below everyone.

Question: This is beautiful! Is this the behavior of a real king?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then I have a question. How did it happen in the world that kings and dynasties disappeared? Politicians came out instead, and mostly not-so-nice ones.

Answer: They all are corrupt.

Question: How did it happen? What happened to all this: with royal nobility, with such an attitude toward others?

Answer: This respect gradually died out over hundreds of years and gave way to pride.

A king should be a king. It goes by inheritance; it goes by ancestral transmission. But then it all changed to sale and purchase.

Question: When was this gene cut off? What happened there? Where did the change take place? If we speak from above. You say that respectful attitude, nobility, is the state of the upper.

Answer: I think it was somewhere in Ancient Rome when they began to sell, buy, and poison each other, then everything went downhill. Before that, the image of the king was practically God’s vicar on earth.

Question: You keep saying that one way or another we must come to the equivalence with the Creator. Is this what is called returning to nobility?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is it possible? You just said that it was all falling.

Answer: It is impossible.

Question: Then how to return to nobility?

Answer: This nobility will be replaced by the people. When the people have proclaimed themselves the viceroy of the Creator on earth in fulfilling all the upper laws, then they raise themselves to the level of the Creator and peace will be restored on earth.

Question: What should people become in order to reach this state?

Answer: They should exist in love for each other. This is the only condition. The mass should be as one.

Question: Do you actually see this? Do you not see the kings, do you see the people as one whole?

Answer: Yes, it is all gone.

Question: So, when we say “as one heart” or “as one” do you mean this?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Will it happen?

Answer: I may be wrong; I do not know. But, in principle, according to my reasoning, this is how it should be.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/27/23

Related Material:
A Man Is like a Bush in the Wind without a Woman
There Is A Woman Behind Every Successful Man
Why Does A Man Need A Woman?

“And Hold Fast to His Wife”

49.04From a letter:

Hello! My neighbor Irina is studying Kabbalah with you. She sent me a quote yesterday. She knows that my husband and I are having difficulties, to put it mildly, and wants to help us. So, I decided to write to you. The quote is as follows:

“’Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.’ That is, this one is worthy of being dedicated to the man, and the man is dedicated to her.

“Therefore, a man should love his wife as his own body and respect her more than his own body, have compassion for her and cherish her as one cherishes one of his own organs. And she, too, must respect and love him as her soul, for it is from him that she was taken” (Rabbi Abraham Ben David, Baalei HaNefesh).

I looked at Wikipedia, this is a Jewish sage. He lived in the 12th century. Tell me, is this suitable for us today, the way we are? Or is it only for the 12th century?

My Response: I think this attitude is more or less suitable at all times.

Question: Then she asks: “Explain what it means to hold fast to his wife and become one flesh?”

Answer: To take care of her. The way you take care of yourself, take care of her.

Question: This passage from the Torah says: a man will leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. That is, he will already care for his wife. Is this called “to hold fast”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: The second question is: what does it mean that we should be dedicated to each other? The word “dedicated,” what is it? Is this fate? What is it about?

Answer: Of course, this is fate. You see how people get closer to each other, get to know each other, how they gradually feel that they are good together. This is called “dedicated.”

Question: Is there some kind of hand in this that brings people together?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Do they not just meet by chance?

Answer: No. There is no chance at all.

Question: Is this what is called “dedicated”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Next, she asks: “What does it mean “must love as oneself”? It sounds like an order that I am obliged to do this. Is it possible to oblige a person to do this?”

Answer: A man and a woman should see this goal before them: to love the life partner and companion so that they take care of him or her as of themselves. At least as much as possible. Both he and she have this task.

Question: “What does it mean that I should respect and love him as my soul? I don’t even know where my soul is, or if I love it at all. What does it mean to love like my soul?”

Answer: Like your life.

Question: One more question: “What does it mean that I, a wife, am taken from my husband? It is written, for it is from him that she was taken.

Answer: It is believed that a woman who lives with a man, as it were, becomes a part of him. It is called that she is taken from him.

Question: Her last question is: “In general, how to live together without getting divorced?”

Answer: It depends on people, and how seriously they take life. If they feel responsible to their children, and for each other, then they will manage.

Question: You know, today divorces take place all over the world.

Answer: I do not understand this because I believe that there should be no divorces.

Comment: You see, it is not for nothing that her first question was: “Does this apply to the sage of the 12th century or to us too?”

My Response: I think it does not matter what time it belongs to, but there should not be any divorces in general.

Comment: This is not the first time you have said this. Do you know what the comments are about this? “What if he is like that? What if she is like that? What if he drinks? What if he beats me?” And so on, a lot of them.

My Response: I cannot comment on all these screams, but I believe that there is still no place for divorce. Especially for the sake of children. It always hurts a lot.

Question: When you say that, do you mean a family that has children?

Answer: Otherwise, it is not a family, between you and me.

Question: Do you not mean that if it does not work out?

Answer: If there are any problems, it was already there initially.

Question: In principle, if they have children are they a family?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can you suggest some kind of exercise for people who are in a state of anxiety: “What if it happens? What if we get divorced? We are moving toward this; we are getting closer to this.” What should they do? How can they sit down together and talk?

Answer: This is a problem and a long period of re-education. I think this is not easy. But still, divorce is the very last and, I would say, unacceptable step. This is something that cannot be crossed.

Question: If this enters into them, if they somehow absorb this into themselves, will this allow them to begin getting closer to each other from this moment on?

Answer: Yes. That is, it is important to discover and work with the point that there can be no divorces.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/20/23

Related Material:
When Family Becomes a Family
Why Does A Man Need A Woman?
An Ideal Family

The Spiritual Work of Couples

627.1Question: My husband and I both study using our method. How can we reach concessions if we are both very hot-tempered?

Answer: Start competing with each other to see who will concede more to the other.

Question: If I get married, I am afraid that the Creator will lose His importance to me and fade into the background. Can love for another person interfere with the spiritual path?

Answer: No. True love for the Creator never interferes with the love for a person.

Question: I have been studying for 12 years, but my husband does not study Kabbalah. However I see how, during this period, his approach to Kabbalah changed from absolute hatred to a high reverent attitude toward you and the methodology. At first, I felt only one-sided fulfillment, not in a mutual connection, but from the moment he began to be imbued with the ideas of Kabbalah, a new mutual connection appeared between us. What is this transition from one-way fulfillment to mutual connection?

Answer: A new Kli has appeared from the two of you, and you feel it. But this is just the beginning, then you will feel much more.

Question: How can I be sure that my chosen one is the woman with whom I will serve the Creator together?

Answer: You must feel this, according to the goal you must reach. First, your chosen one should aim toward the same spiritual goal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/19/23, Writings of Rabash “Discernments in States“

Related Material:
One Desire for Two
Husband And Wife: Where Is The Creator Between Them?
“And A Wise Wife Is From The Lord”

Guided by Feelings

506.1Question: In practice we see that in a married couple one manages one process and the second one another. How is equality between husband and wife achieved?

Answer: It is impossible to measure. It is just that everyone wants to please the other. Therefore, there are no calculations here of how much I did for you and how much you did for me. You will never reach a real connection in this way.

You should be guided by feelings and not by rational calculation: “You for me, and I for you.”

Question: Does it mean that until we come to the correction of our qualities in spirituality we will not be able to come to the correct corporeal relationship between husband and wife?

Answer: On the contrary, first, you need to correct your qualities in corporeality and then move to spirituality.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/19/23, Writings of Rabash “Discernments in States“

Related Material:
Point of Connection Between Husband and Wife
Understanding Each Other Without Words
The Family Of The Future Is A Fusion Of Minds And Hearts

It’s Good for Men to Be Silent

565.02Question: Communication should be through feelings, internally, through silence. Why talk? What are words for?

Answer: Words are in order to get in touch in conversation, in order to tune in to each other. Musical instruments also are tuned before they are played together. It is the same here. But in principle, if you know a person, then you can come to him, sit down next to him, and be silent.

Question: In general, can we say that a few words can be spoken in order to be silent?

Answer: Yes. If people know each other, even married couples, they are silent. A woman, however, needs to speak, express, and listen a little more. This is how they are built because they are adapted to looking after small children and so on. But men do not. It is good for men to keep quiet.

Question: So do you see that in the future, maybe the distant future, that the transmission of information will be through silence?

Answer: Sure. This will not be like our TV nowadays.

Question: Will it fall silent as a result?

Answer: I think so.

Question: And what do you say about hermits who move away to be silent?

Answer: There are good periods in a person when he does not want to communicate with anyone except with himself and with the Creator. And he has this communication going on.

These are good states, and they are very strong. They are very thoughtful and generate a lot in a person.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 9/21/23

Related Material:
Silence Preferred
The Exchange of Spiritual Information
Roaring Silence

What Should One Do if Your Wife Is Lured Away from You?

565.01 Igor writes:

Dear Michael Laitman,

I never thought that this would happen to me! I had a misfortune. My closest friend lured my wife away from me! It is a primitive triangle, but I can no longer breathe and live!

You say: “We must accept the situation.” But how? I now understand what hatred is and what despair is when one gives up and tears flow uncontrollably. I am crying for the second time in my life: the first was at my mother’s grave and the second is now. How can I survive this?

Answer: I do not know what to advise a person in this case. I think that you need to think about others and not about yourself. Was she happy with you? Apparently not so much, and that is why she left.

What could happen now? Suppose you force her back or in some fantasy you make her feel bad so that she comes back to you, throws herself at your feet, cries, and all that. I do not think that would reassure you because the very action when she left for someone else is already irreparable.

The best thing, of course, is to change the environment, get married, and start a new family.

Question: That is, let it go? She was a part of me, my “I,” that is why Igor is suffering, and you say: “Let it go”?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: A part of his “I” was cut off and you say…

My Response: This is generally a huge loss and a very strong defeat, of course. Let her go!

Question: Let her go? Do you even say: “Let her be happy there”? And do you think that at that moment he will begin to feel a relief if he comes to this thought?

Answer: I think so. It is very difficult to change your hatred to some kind of love, that you love the person with whom you were maybe even happy, and everything was good. But she did not feel good, and she exchanged you for someone else.

And you make it so that despite the fact that you were happy with her, you raise yourself here and think: “But if she really did not feel good, and now she feels good, can I be happy because she is happy?” Here you have to answer this for yourself.

That is, you must rise above your egoism, above your jealousy, ambition, above all this, and say: “If she is happy, then I am happy.” Otherwise you will not fix it.

Question: You will eat yourself up as a result. Will you feel much worse?

Answer: Yes. And if you find out that she is happy, and you will feel happy because of this, then you resolved this problem.

Comment: This is beautiful! But how hard this is! How difficult!

My Response: It is very hard in feelings.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

Related Material:
A Wife Doesn’t Find Favor in Her Husband’s Eyes
A Wife Should Not Disregard Her Husband
A Love Triangle: The Husband, The Wife, And The Mother-In-Law

One Desire for Two

625.05Question: If the Creator gives a man and a woman connection through the heart, then is each one ready to do anything for the other?

Answer: I do not know how ready they are for everything, but if they are coming toward each other to be together and each one does what his partner wants from him, then they form a common desire in which the Creator is revealed.

Question: But the Creator also gives them this desire?

Answer: No, they must create this desire themselves. Each of them has their own desire, so they need to connect with each other to have one desire for both of them in which they do not feel any difference.

This should be such a fusion, a striving for each other when there is nothing else left but a feeling of unity.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 11/19/23, Writings of Rabash “Discernments in States“

Related Material:
Point of Connection Between Husband and Wife
Husband And Wife: Where Is The Creator Between Them?
A Spiritual Family

Is It Possible to Just Love?

627.1Comment: Oksana asks “I am Ukrainian, my husband is Russian. We managed to withstand this terrible time. We moved to Georgia, we live here. Everything is fine, and we love each other. But still, I am Ukrainian, and he is Russian. I see that there is no getting away from it. We still have parents and friends there.

How do we build a warm and loving family? How can we talk openly with each other about all the problems and whether it is necessary to open up to each other? My question to you, Michael Laitman: is it possible to love, just love, no matter what? Or will my pain for the relatives and friends who stayed there win over our love?”

My Response: This is a problem. They cannot break away from their roots. What has been done now between Russians and Ukrainians is, of course…

Question: A wall for years?

Answer: Not for years! I do not think years can correct this. It will just have to be corrected by all the people in the world. To destroy absolutely all the partitions that exist between us all. Not just between Ukrainians and Russians, also between others, and so on. It all depends, first of all, on the Jews.

Comment: Here we go again.

My Response: Your reaction, “Here we go again” is the biggest mistake of the Jews, first of all, and all other nations in the world.

It is necessary to make the Jews realize that they make the world’s climate, the weather, and that the correct relationship of all the nations of the world depends on them, on their correct behavior with each other.

Through us, a blessing comes to the nations of the world. We must understand this, recognize it, and realize such connections between us that will create people who are simply loving, showing kindness, love, interconnection, and mutual assistance to each other in all of the world’s population.

If the Jews do this, everyone will be fine, including the Jews. If they do not do this, and we are already late with this correction, then the world will be worsening against them in the first place, and eventually lead them through suffering to the implementation of this project.

Comment: You have taken a personal question that Oksana asked: “Is it possible to love, just love, no matter what?” and spread it to the international level, to the world.

My Response: To the world level, yes. There are no personal questions! What personal questions can there be?

Question: Does it mean that there will be no true love there if there is no correction here?

Answer: Yes. The Creator will lead everyone to realize that the lack of love between people will not allow anyone to feel at least some satisfaction from their existence.

Question: But would it be possible to give some advice to Oksana?

Answer: No! No private advice, such a calm one as “Understand each other” and so on. No, no!

Comment: Melt into him.

My Response: No and no. It will work out, maybe for a short time. If at all!

Question: Is this really a global issue?

Answer: Yes. The Creator heats up the situation all over the world so much that just bring a match and everything will light up.

Question: But you nevertheless bring everything to this condition all the time, right? To the Jews?

Answer: Yes, the ones who do not connect into an absolutely good society will represent what is said in the Bible. There is no escaping this. “All the nations of the world will be blessed by you.”

That is, a loving nation, if they start loving each other within the nation, this will be a blessing for the whole world. Then the whole world will become the same.

Question: Why were we born like this?

Answer: We were born, no one asked us. We are told what we have to do. That is all.

Comment: This generally causes hatred toward us. Even what you say, you are kind of telling the world: “You hate us for a reason.”

My Response: Yes. Sometimes, perhaps, with unconscious hatred.

Comment: But one way or another, you say that it is also impossible to destroy these people.

My Response: They must fulfill their historical purpose.

Question: If I am not a Jew, what is my mission?

Answer: I call on the nations of the world to turn to the Jews and call them, seriously call them, to connect. And from them, through them, the upper force will act on all the nations of the world, and they will connect.

Connection means that we are completely dependent on each other. And outside of us, all the nations of the world should feel this way.

Question: What is complete dependence?

Answer: Complete dependence means that the attitude of all the nations of the world to each other will depend on our attitude to each other.

Comment: That is, if it is love, then it is love. If it is a mutual guarantee, it is a mutual guarantee. And so on.

My Response: Yes. Therefore, even now we see this hatred from our neighbors because we project our internecine hatred on them.

That is, the level of our hatred among ourselves causes such a level of hatred toward us, and in general, of everyone in the world to everyone.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/9/23

Related Material:
With Love for Others
Love And Caring In One Flask
Make Hatred Turn into Love