Can Women Be in Mutual Guarantee?

252Question: Can women enter into mutual guarantee (Arvut)?

Answer: Of course they can. What is the problem? If the men enter, then you will enter. You must fully help men because the male part determines, and the female part gives its pressure—Aviut. Without proper interaction between us, we will not be able to achieve this.

Mutual guarantee is the birth of a spiritual state. It comes only from the correct correspondence of the male and female parts in the Kli.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Power of Female Desires
Women’s Connection
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 3

Signs of the State of Mutual Guarantee

947Question: Can we say that we start entering into mutual guarantee egoistically?

Answer: Of course, only egotistically.

Question: How does this mutual guarantee advance us toward the Creator?

Answer: We cannot advance using only egoism. But for now, that is the only power we have. We do not have anything else yet! Do you want to immediately jump to the level of bestowal, love, and connection between each other? From where?

There is an entire ladder and by climbing it we gradually accumulate the desire for the right connection, for bestowing, when the general becomes higher than my personal “I.” This does not happen immediately but under the influence of the higher light.

Question: What is the result of the ten being in a state of mutual guarantee?

Answer: If you do not feel yourself but feel the ten, take it into consideration, think together, desire together as if you have no internal life of your own, only a common one, and when you suddenly separate from the ten you feel as if your oxygen supply has been cut off, then this is the state of mutual guarantee (Arvut).
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Mechanism of Mutual Guarantee
Mutual Exchange Of Guarantee
Mutual Guarantee—The Property Of Mutual Concern

Mutual Guarantee—Responsibility for the Whole World

944Question: What is mutual responsibility (Arvut)?

Answer: Mutual responsibility (Arvut) is when I am responsible for the whole world before the Creator.

Question: Can we, Bnei Baruch, be an example to humanity in our state and explain to them through our example about how we unite?

Answer: No, we cannot do that because we are not yet a group that can tell humanity, “You have to become like our group.” Although we are close to it, we are not in such a state yet.

Arvut is a state in which everyone connects by one force into one organism, and the Creator descends to us according to our desires. He settles in us, controls us, and fills us with His quality of bestowal. And we are connected in this quality of bestowal. That is a mutual guarantee. That is the ideal state of humanity.

But we are not there yet. We want to get closer to this state to set an example for humanity. As soon as we reach this state, humanity will begin to notice: “What is this? Why is this happening? How did they do it?” They will suddenly intuitively feel that in Arvut lies the salvation to all problems. But to do this, we must first achieve the quality of Arvut among us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Bnei Baruch As A State Of Transition
Love of Friends in Bnei Baruch
Making Worldwide Bnei Baruch One Spiritual Vessel—The Spiritual Embryo

The State of One Reflects the State of Everyone

528.02Question: If a friend in our ten goes through a state of descent and we feel it, how can we help him?

Answer: If a friend is going through a bad spiritual state, we must support him.

Understand that each of us experiences a spiritual state for the group and not for ourselves. We go through descents, ascents, and changes in our states only because the whole group needs it, not just one person.

Therefore, if I look at a friend and see that he is in a descent, he is not in it. The whole group, through him, must study this descent and pick it up. And so through each of us. We must perceive ups and downs as being given to the whole group together. In spirituality, we strive to be one.

How can I look at a friend and say if he is on a descent or an ascent? That is where we are! He experiences this alone because we have not yet united. And to the extent that we unite, we will feel all the descents and ascents of everyone together.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Taking Care of the Friends
How Can You Help A Friend?
Give Strength to Friends

Think Less about Yourself

527.03Question: How can remote groups be incorporated into a teacher, as Kabbalists once did?
I am afraid it is possible to miss the common ark and it will sail away, and in the next life, I will have to be born again in some unclear conditions.

Answer: First of all, the fact that you are afraid of missing something, losing, and being late—this is good. On the other hand, you must be sure that if you are in this place and trying to unite with your friends with all your might, you will definitely succeed. That is second.

Third, success does not consist of what you have attained, earned, felt, realized, and seen. Success consists of trying to think at every moment about bringing contentment to the Creator.

And then you will think less about yourself, about how to succeed, and whether you will have time or not have time, or whether you will be born in this world again. All these purely egoistic questions will not worry you because you will be above them in aspiration toward the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Secret Of Success
Success = Work + Prayer
The Common Work Between The Person And The Creator

Expiration Date of Kabbalah

222Question: Do Kabbalah lessons have a statute of limitations? Why do we keep recording and updating them?

Answer: Firstly, Kabbalah is being updated with each generation as new souls descend into our world and require a suitable exposition of Kabbalah.

Of course Kabbalah does not change. The structure of the universe is unchanging. But since we are changing, we must receive an updated methodological guide to the disclosure of the universe every time. Therefore, every Kabbalist in his generation felt responsible for this and added something to Kabbalah.

Thus, a huge number of Kabbalistic books appeared, which we do not even know, because now, by a happy coincidence, all of Kabbalah has been compiled, assembled, decomposed, analyzed and synthesized for us in the works of Baal HaSulam. Therefore, we do not need to be distracted by other sources.

By the way, I didn’t know about Baal HaSulam at first. They didn’t want to tell me about him. You can’t imagine how many books I went through, what a huge library I had! And now there are only our books left. However, there are also books by Ramhal, AGRA, such recognized Kabbalists. But, in general, apart from the books of Baal HaSulam, we practically do not need anything else.

After I went through all the other books on Kabbalah, especially RAMAK and the more ancient Kabbalists, I realized that there was nothing to do. I am very glad that I discovered Baal HaSulam at the time and settled on him. And to this day, I see that this is the only source for us, not the first among the others, but simply the only one.

And we for our part must also take care of the people who come to us, because they need to adapt the works of Baal HaSulam.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Expiration Date of Kabbalah” 1/31/10

Related Material:
Books that Attract the Upper Light
How Does One Study The Wisdom Of Kabbalah?
The Revelation Of Kabbalah To The World: For Evil Or Good?

Man’s Inner World

294.4Question: The spiritual world is the Creator’s system. How do we perceive this picture?

Answer: I perceive it in a systematic way, by means of forces. Why should I see pretty pictures before me?

Let’s say you see a picture on your monitor and it supposedly contains 18 million colors. So what? In reality, it is depicted by electrical vectors.

Why should I be at the level of external imagery if I can be at the level of vectors? They give me a stronger sense of inner brightness in comparing the feelings that arise in our world versus the spiritual world.

Comment: Let’s say you come up with a situation inside you and seemingly manifest it into the external…

My Response: Why? If I can transmit my perception to you without a modem and you can transmit yours to me, why do we need a technical connection with a microphone and speakers? What for, if at the spiritual level, we both feel the same picture directly inside ourselves?

You feel it your way and I feel it my way, but we feel the same thing—different perceptions sensing the same phenomenon.

Question: What is the mistake of our world when we go into an external form? Any person who feels something, has created something, he tries to embody it externally. But how can one embody it inside himself and pass it on to another?

Answer: Spiritual things can be transferred to another only if we share a common screen.

Comment: But in our world, people transmit information through art, songs, and other things.

Answer: Yes, this is how they convey their feelings to others. And others build their feelings on these sensations, perhaps completely erroneously compared to what the author wanted to express.

In our world, everyone feels their own way, as we cannot combine our feelings. While in the spiritual world, you can achieve this when you attain the same spiritual degree.

Let’s say I’m at the 15th spiritual degree. You reach the same level, and we meet there and get exactly the same information because we have achieved exactly the same correction.

Each of us perfectly fits these conditions (number 15), and we have no problems with the fact that you and I perceive them differently from the same source, each according to the root of his soul, but from the same source. Therefore, we describe the same phenomena in different ways, but at the same time we know they are the same at the source.

Question: How can we guide someone specifically through these feelings?

Answer: You cannot. You cannot guide a blind person through your feelings; he has no eyes. Of course you can tell him how you feel, but what could he imagine from this?
From KabTV’s “I got a call. Human Inner World” 2/15/12

Related Material:
Attaining the Spiritual World
What Is Spiritual Attainment?
Love And Hate Are Just One Step Apart

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/27/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letters 49”

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3rd part of the Lesson – “Teachings of the Fathers,” “Mishna, Pirkei Avot,” Chapter 3, Item 1

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Selected Highlights

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