The Secret Of Success

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Many people around the world study Kabbalah and wonder why your organization is more successful than others?

Answer: This is because we think about bestowal, about Kabbalah circulation. We are prepared to spend our money to distribute millions of free newspapers and to do many other things. The more efficiently we use our financial resources, people, and time, the more we will succeed in spirituality. Thanks to this in particular, we have a TV channel in Israel and other opportunities that we have been given.

We succeed because we strive to bestow, to circulate, and to want the Creator (the Light that Reforms) to help us. We stand firmly on this: We try to be the means for correction and not to stray from the path.

As a result, more people join us and are attracted to us without even knowing why. It is not because we are so good, but because the Light acts this way, spreading out in circles from the center. It is a law of nature. There is no luck or protection here. We must continue to do our non-profit dissemination in a more efficient and precise way, and it will bring us success again and again. This is because the Light is with us! We know how to attract the Light!
From the Talk on Education 10/1/10

Related Material: Post: Kabbalah And Earnings Post: What Is Real “Kabbalah Dissemination”? Post: Awakening The Forces Of Good

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  1. The integrity of the screen keeps increasing, and greater and greater focus, greater density is becoming possible. This becomes more unstable the hotter it gets, may the force be with you, making this shot will be one in a million. (:

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