The Whole Path Is Open to Us

525The articles of Rabash contain the entire Torah. He takes it from the highest level and lowers it to our level so that we receive it in the most suitable form, which helps us grow and internally organize ourselves to achieve higher levels. Therefore, Rabash’s articles are the highest source for internal work.

The main thing is to try to penetrate them with your heart, not your head. Open your heart and strive to feel the Creator, and only then begin some movements inside the heart to find an even closer alignment with the Creator.

How can we bring our hearts closer to Rabash? Only by connecting with the hearts of our friends and opening our hearts. There is no other way.

In a few days, we will gather for a congress, which is entirely based on Rabash’s articles and is called “Life in the Ten.” I am very excited and look forward to this congress with great trepidation because the Creator has given us everything we need. Everything depends on whether we can realize what we have received, and our putting all our strength into it.

The whole path is open to us. We can now take off to the goal and reveal all the components we need to collect and attach to ourselves along the way. The main thing is to be highly concentrated. I truly hope this happens to us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulamStudy of the Ten Sefirot

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