Direction to the Best State

263Question: What kind of state is it when you realize that all your past thoughts and actions have no meaning and you see some emptiness and fear of the unknown in front of you?

Answer: There are all kinds of states in our life, especially if we add spiritual sensations to them.

But the most important thing we should get from our spiritual study is that there is none else but the Creator and the Creator is good and leads us to Himself, that is, to the best state, and we have nothing to fear.

We should only care about being together, among ourselves and with the Creator. This direction should be in front of you all the time.

Question: Is it possible to say that emptiness and fear are egoism?

Answer: Of course, this is egoism beyond a doubt.

Question: So you do not need to give this particular importance?

Answer: It is good if you know how to do it.

Question: Is it worth working through all fears before coming to merge with the Creator?

Answer: Yes, it is necessary to strive for this.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/19/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Thought Is a Result of the Desires”

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