Connect And You Will See

528.01Question: Some of us go through difficult states. How can a ten raise them to the Creator?

Answer: Connect, despite the fact that everyone goes through a special state in their heart, in their desires, in their life circumstances, connect together. Then you will see why we need a group and Kabbalah in general.

Question: How can one constantly be in prayer for the ten and ask, ask, ask the Creator?

Answer: Pay attention to the slightest changes in your relationship. Then you will have reasons and words with which to turn to the Creator.

Question: How can I use a private state to raise a ten and not load it with the heaviness on my heart? By dividing the state to everyone, I make it easier for myself, but I burden others. Would it not be harmful to them?

Answer: No, by no means. In any circumstance, what you do, you do for everyone: in your questions, in your answers, and in your actions.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Three Conditions in Prayer”

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