Rely on Kabbalists and the Creator

962.3Question: Our state is counted by how much we are in faith, not in knowledge. What does this mean?

Answer: I do not rely on my knowledge. I rely on the Kabbalists, who wrote what should be done, and on the Creator by studying His instructions in the sources. This is why I am advancing.

Faith is the light of mercy (Ohr Hassadim).

Question: Is this what I give to my friends and to the Creator?

Answer: No. It is simply a quality of faith that comes from a person and allows him to feel the spiritual world. To do this, you need to love and be good to everyone. Make an effort and you can succeed.

Question: When I come to the feeling that everything that happens to me is from the Creator and I fully trust Him and thank Him for it, then can I say that I am already in faith?

Answer: Partly, this is the beginning of faith. There are as many degrees in faith as there are in knowledge. The light of mercy (Ohr Hassadim) and the light of wisdom (Ohr Hochma) go in parallel.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/29/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Happy Is the Man Who Does Not Forget You and the Son of Man Who Exerts in You”

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