Different Degrees of Attainment

627.2Question: In his articles, Rabash refers to Rambam, then to his father and teacher, Baal HaSulam. Why doesn’t he speak for himself? It’s as if he relies on someone else. Has he not attained these degrees?

Answer: He cites the arguments and reasons of the great Kabbalists, on whom he can rely, and so can we.

Comment: But he went through these states anyway.

My Response: It is in your eyes that he has gone through everything, but not in his. For him, in any case, there is a difference between, say, Rambam and himself. These are different degrees of attainment.

Question: So should we study what the Rambam tells us?

Answer: In principle, what we read from Rabash’s writings is enough for us.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/17/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Reason for which Israel Were Rewarded with Inheritance of the Land, in the Work?”

Related Material:
Who Are Rabash’s Articles For?
The Great Kabbalists And Their Works
Belonging To A Kabbalist

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