Not an Easy Job

565.01Question: What is the difference between a pause and detachment in a person’s inner work?
How do I find out which of these states I am in if I continue to do the same things externally, but inside do not know what state I am in?

Answer: Ask yourself whether you are in internal tension and whether you are working against your egoism all the time or just forget about it. We have to be constantly against the ego.

Question: When I try to be at the point that there is none else besides Him and the good and does good and I ask the Creator to stay at this point, where is the bestowal to the Creator here?

Answer: The fact is, you want to reveal the upper light to correct your group’s egoistic desires, connect with the rest of the ten, and thus work for the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/14/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is Hanukkah”

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