Finish the Work of Previous Generations

962.4Question: To what extent does how deeply we can understand the teacher and accept his methodology depend on us?

Answer: You need to accept that the implementation of the methodology you are studying depends on you and only on you.

Therefore, as long as you get closer to each other and unite more strongly with each other, you will be able to rise above the conditions that are set for you in order to achieve the goal of creation.

We are not that far from it. We just need to put our hearts and minds in order. We do not have much work left after what the previous great generations have already done.

In order to organize the heart and mind, we must overcome the little natural rejection that still remains in us and ensure that our hearts connect. Then the upper light will enter into them, and from this feeling we will attain everything.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/17/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Introduction to the Book Panim Meirot uMasbirot“

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