What Is the Greatness of the Creator?

610.2Question: The fact that everything comes from the Creator is clear; this is the law: He created the universe and rules in it. But what is the greatness of the Creator?

Answer: The greatness of the Creator is that He restricted Himself in all cases and reveals Himself to us from such low, small, lowly states in our eyes so that we can raise Him in our imagination and thoughts to the highest degree.

But the further we go, the more we see how insignificant He seems to us. Therefore we forget about Him and neglect Him.

The main thing for us is just to raise Him to the highest degree, the degree where He really is and which we are able to see.

Question: If we reveal the greatness of the Creator, will we be able to love Him without egoism?

Answer: Yes, we will. Only the greatness of the Creator, which we wish to reach, will raise us to the highest degree. As it is said: He will raise a beggar from the dust. That is, He will be able to lift us from the lowest depths.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/15/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “In the Place Where You Find His Greatness“

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