Ask the Creator to Help Us

938.01Question: You often say that the minimum number is two. And yet, how can the little tens be sure at this convention that they will receive support, that they are like a full-fledged Kli?

Answer: This is what the convention is organized for, so that all the small groups come together and form one big Kli. Therefore there is no need to worry that there are groups of three or four people. It does not matter; we unite together into one Kli and turn from it to the Creator.

There are several thousand of us, and therefore small groups are included in all the others.

Question: In spirituality does each of us have one’s own work and no one else will do my work for me?

Answer: We each have our own and at the same time joint work. Therefore no one will do either one of the jobs for us. Our job is to ask the Creator to help us. This is the most important thing.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Known in the Gates”

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