The Particular Is Included in the General

275Question: Sometimes I feel such a state of my corruption that I do not want to exist like this. But the state changes and it seems I can still live like this. Does everyone have their own measure of these conditions or is it somehow related to the total mass of people going through the correction? What does it depend on?

Answer: It depends on you. In any case, you should look for connections with your friends and then with the Creator.

Question: Can these changing states be regarded as degrees of coming closer to the Creator?

Answer: Of course.

Question: How do I understand if this is my personal state or the general state of a ten, a group, or humanity?

Answer: I will only say one thing. Any of our individual, personal states are anyway included in the general state of the ten, the group, and the entire world Kli.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Three Conditions in Prayer”

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