Which “Lottery Ticket” Should One Buy?

49.01In the News (BBC News): “‘Kerala lottery: Indian women sanitation workers hit jackpot’

“The women are part of a group that collects non-biodegradable waste from households in Parappanangadi town in Kerala’s Malappuram district. They usually get around 250 rupees a day…

“The money, they say candidly, is not enough to make ends meet. Most of the women have borrowed money and taken loans for their children’s education and other expenses.

“That’s why they would occasionally join forces to buy a lottery ticket. …

“Kuttimalu, 72, says she was initially sad when Radha was collecting funds because she didn’t have enough money.

“‘Then Cherumannil Baby (another member of the group) told me she had 25 rupees and was willing to lend me half of it for the ticket,’ she tells the BBC.

“So the two women put in 12.5 rupees each for their share of the ticket while the other nine women paid 25 rupees each.

“‘We agreed we would get an equal share if we won anything,’ Ms Kuttimalu says. ‘We didn’t expect to win such a huge amount of money!’ …

“On Friday, a day after their life-changing win, the 11 women reached the agency’s office like always to resume their work.

“‘We decided one thing,’ Ms Leela says. ‘We will not leave this job because it was this collective that brought us prosperity.'”

Question: We have been talking with you all the time, and it is true according to statistics that there are no particularly lucky cases when winning the lottery. And here, it seems these women were lucky.

Tell me, please, do you still insist that the lottery is not the best thing?

Answer: I think it is better when a person does not do this, does not play the lottery.

Question: Despite what I just told you, and you were even surprised, and it was interesting?

Answer: This is, of course, interesting. I do not know what they will actually gain from this.

Question: They will pay their debts. And then, do you think they will make new ones?

Answer: Of course! It does not solve anything.

Question: So, the moment you plug one hole, it appears again and again?

Answer: Yes. You will not buy happiness that way. Winning in this way will not bring good luck.

Question: What will bring good luck? Which “lottery ticket” should we buy? What do we have to buy to win in this life? Really win!

Answer: Winning is a feeling of confidence in what I am doing. Is that not enough?

Question: I have chosen the path, and I am sure of it, is this called that I drew the lucky lottery ticket?

Answer: Yes. When it disappears, a person is ready for death.

Comment: Thanks! We will live.

My Response: Yes!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/3/23

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