Attack from the Bottom of the Heart

931.01Question: How can we come together to a common attack from the very depths of our hearts in order to get out of the state of faithlessness?

Answer: You should talk among yourselves about the fact that the success of the entire operation depends on your attack now. When everyone tries to defeat their enemy inside them, then in the end you will feel that you are facing a common enemy.

In order to fight against egoism and not against each other, you must connect with each other and, as a result of the connection, fight with the ego.

Question: The external salvation of the Creator is the importance of connection, and the internal salvation is the war in man?

Answer: No, war is not salvation. We must see the help of the Creator in all our states, He pushes us forward to unity and to the feeling of one heart, one desire.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/18/23, “The Need for the Creator’s Salvation”

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