Determining the Point in the Heart

963.1Question: How do you determine who has a point in the heart and who does not?

Answer: As a rule, if a person has a point in his heart, he does not leave us. He cannot leave!

But if it is still in a minimal, undeveloped form in a person, then he must somehow lead himself through several circles of development: in business, in religion, in some other society. But if this is a normal point in the heart, he will not leave us because it will not receive nutrition anywhere else.

It all depends on what the point in the heart requires, because it is the highest, most ardent desire. It requires a source of nutrition—someone who will feed it and fill its desire. A person can only find it here; therefore, he will not leave. But only a small number of people are classified as individuals with a point in their heart. In any case there cannot be many of them.

Question: How do you determine the presence of a point in the heart? Do you look at a person and understand that this one has a point in his heart and that one does not?

Answer: Yes. But this still does not mean anything because a lot depends on the person himself: the way he can realize himself, join the group, find contact with me and with the books.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Determining The Point In The Heart” 10/17/11

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