The Connection between the Partzufim and the Worlds

548.01Question: By acquiring the quality of bestowal, a person begins to be filled with connection with the Creator. The part of the spiritual Partzuf in which he makes the calculation is called the head. The part into which the light enters is the body. And the part in which he cannot bestow is the lower limbs.

As a result, the human body in our world also looks like this, although we are talking about desires. What is the connection between the Partzufim and the worlds?

Answer: The worlds are also creations of forces that consist of certain desires: head, body, and lower limbs. Meaning, it is a collection of individual desires that combine in a certain way to impact nature.

There are five Sefirot, five Partzufim, and five worlds. They are divided into five because this is the quality of light, the quality of the force of bestowal, and the quality of the force of reception, which have the ability to connect with each other, by getting closer in five stages, which are called Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut.

Then, from the highest stage of Keter, the qualities of light gradually descend and approach the qualities of the last stage—Malchut.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/27/23

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