Attaining the True Essence of the Creator

961.2It is all one, for He and His name are one, as it is written, “That they may know that You alone, Your name is ‘the Lord’” (Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to the Book of Zohar,” “Two Points“).

This is about the fact that even through opposing qualities, egoistic ones that are seemingly unpleasant, the uniqueness of the Creator and His greatness is still attained.

Question: What does “He and His name are one” mean?

Answer: He is the Creator, and His name is His manifestation in all creations. Everything we see is merely a manifestation of the Creator within us.

Ultimately, through everything that exists within us, no matter how negative and opposing our qualities may be, we attain the Creator and reveal that His manifestation is an expression of love and bestowal.

Question: In the end, all of humanity and each one of us in every moment in time—in the past, in the future, and in all the states that humanity has gone through—will discover that even in His most negative actions, there was a manifestation of love and bestowal?

Answer: Absolutely! Complete, singular, and unified! And what seemed negative to us was because our qualities were opposite to His.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 8/6/23

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