Does Everyone Need to Study the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

214Comment: In the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” we seem to study the most interesting thing that can ever be: the structure of our desires and the method of receiving pleasure. However, this does not arouse much interest in people.

My Response: We do not feel that this is inside us. But over time it will come, and we will begin to feel everything. Then we will see to what extent what is written in this article is realized in us and leads us to the highest point of existence.

Question: Suppose, I have a headache; I take a pill and the headache goes away. I was not interested in the composition of the pill, its formula, who developed it, and how it came to this. Here, too, someone developed this method. The question arises: Does everyone need to study it?

Answer: If one has a desire, if not, then nothing will help. We cannot force a person to desire it.

Question: But does nature provide for the universal study of this method?

Answer: Nature provides for the fact that as a result of our earthly development, we will reveal the need to get in touch with the upper light. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah talks about.

But we will study this method on ourselves, through a practical feeling in us. We will clearly feel the screen, the connection with the Creator, and how much we can use the light for our sake or for His sake.

Question: Can we practice on ourselves now instead of the Creator whom we do not feel yet?

Answer: By all means. Take something tasty, put it in your mouth, and try to feel that you do not want to feel, suppose, the taste of a pie, but instead, you want to feel how you want to transfer this pleasure to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/13/23

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