Hear Us, People!

283.01Comment: Throughout the entire history of humanity, a series of crises happened when it seemed that everything was about to collapse.

My Response: Were these true crises?! That was the usual dirty political struggle and nothing more!

But now, nature is forcing us to change. Nature! Where can you go if nature is causing the current crisis?! We did not cause this.

When I talked about this many years ago, everyone laughed. I met Nobel Prize winners in economics who were surprised: “What crisis? Everything is fine. There can be no crises at all, just progress. There are ups and downs, there is a smooth road, and then it gets a little bumpy because this is how humanity develops. But it is going in the same direction all the time. Everything will be fine.”

Then I answered them: “How can you say this ?! Look what is happening in the world!” “What is happening in the world? These are normal states. Sometimes it gets worse, sometimes it gets better, just like in ordinary life,” and that is all. It continued until the crisis ripened and exploded in their faces.

Therefore, humanity moves only through blows, by being pushed toward happiness with a stick because people hardly hear us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Crisis as a Natural Process” 9/3/11

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