The Latest Windows System

276.02How easy it was to feel, support, and inspire a friend when we were physically together. And now we need to learn to feel each other through the screen. In fact, there will be no need for physical meetings; this will be the further development.

We will develop to such states that screens will not be in front of us but around us. This screen on which I now see my friends will connect with the screen showing me the world.

We still see the world around us on the screen, but we do not understand that it is a screen. All of humanity and the events happening to it are a broadcast on a screen that comes to me from above, from the Creator.

But it is possible to build an additional screen with which I will reveal a different, upper reality. And this screen depends on me, on whether I acquire the desire for bestowal.

In the same way, we will build a screen between us and with it we will no longer need today’s computer screen to see our friends.

Inside us there will be such an “Windows operating system” that will allow us to move from one window to another, from stage to stage, from world to world.

We will definitely come to this. If we do not have time in this life, then we will meet in the next cycle and continue this work.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/22, Writings of Baal HaSulam, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar

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Movement In The Spiritual World
From Physical Contact To The Field Of Sensations
Movement In The Spiritual World

“What Thoughts Or Attitudes Are Helpful With Stress Management?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What thoughts or attitudes are helpful with stress management?

Life—both our own lives and life on all biological levels—is in constant stress. It is because life is a clash of opposites and their combinations, and it unfolds on the boundary between plus and minus, positive and negative.

Stress is thus neither bad nor good. It is a necessary aspect of life. We should thus focus on how to best manage our lives with its necessary stress.

We were given brains and our social environment in order to adapt ourselves and manage stress properly. We can manage stress by understanding the necessity of the combination of plus and minus at all levels and in all circumstances, and seek how to reach balance between these poles. On our human level, we reach a balance between positive and negative forces by creating an attitude of love, giving and connection over hatred, reception and division.

As with the necessity of stress, there is also a necessity to feel negative sensations of hatred, rejection and division. Why? It is in order to rise above these sensations and cover them with their positives of love, giving and connection.

The wisdom of Kabbalah is a method for covering the negative with the positive. Using this method, we become aware of the negative sensations that surface in us, and learn how to establish positive attitudes upon them so that they exist in addition to each other. In Kabbalah, this tendency is described as the correspondence of darkness to light.

The more we learn about the necessity for the coexistence of positive and negative forces, and that their correct combination creates life, then the calmer and more reasonable we become. We then progress along what Kabbalah calls “the middle line,” accordingly constructing ourselves and our world in balance.

We learn how to become aware of the source of every state, how nature creates everything in order for us to balance negative qualities and states with positive ones. When we reach this level of awareness, we then start relating to everything and everyone out of absolute kindness. We do not deny any negative sensation, but we accept everything as necessary.

Even the most negative sensations such as hatred are necessary in order for us to rise above them, to simultaneously exist above and inside them. To put it simply, we should keep in mind the formula that “minus equals plus.” In other words, wherever we see a “minus”—the surfacing of a divisive drive—we should see a “plus”—an opportunity to positively connect above the divisive drive.

If we exercise changing our attitude to the world in such a way, by replacing our divisive drives with unifying tendencies, egoism with altruism, and hatred with love, then everything will turn out fine. If we fail to do so, then our divisions and hatred will proliferate in the world, causing us much suffering.

Based on “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur on December 23, 2021. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Idols Are Attributes Of Comfort

509Question: Archaeologists often find a great number of figurines of different gods and idols dating back to the time of the First Temple during their excavations. How can the worship of various idols be combined in a people who believe in one God?

Answer: Look at small children—how they make all sorts of idols for themselves, build some little things. When a child firmly holds a toy, it calms him down, gives him self-confidence.

Keeping something familiar, something a person is used to (cameos, amulets, red threads, holy water, for example) gives a person confidence, like a child who does not let go of a small toy because he is used to it, it soothes him.

This is the original basis of worship, pure idolatry.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/5/22

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Ruled by Idols
“You Shall Not Make For Yourself An Idol”
A People Of The Idea

At The Stage Of Awareness Of One’s Nature

272Comment: In modern trading, we observe a peculiar chain when someone profits from someone and the other from him, then from someone else, and so on. And in the end, everyone loses, no one gains anything.

My Response: This is how the world operates, so that everything that people do goes away like water into sand. Nothing remains of this, except terrible efforts and crippled lives.

But now we are at a stage when we begin to be aware of our pettiness, the corruptness of our egoism, and we understand that we are unable to do anything.

And so we come to the realization that we need to do something with ourselves, with our nature. This is already a serious affirmation that people will see that in Kabbalah there is the power to get rid of human suffering, the power to transform all of humanity into something great. Not just to arrange life on earth somewhat, but to pull us out of this state to the next level, to the higher universe, to unlimited existence.

I see how many are approaching this. They may not even understand yet or be fully aware of what they are saying. But the process has begun.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Global Financial Fraud” 5/4/10

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Economics Done By The Balance Formula
When Money Becomes A Goal In Itself
To Change The Paradigm Of Life

The Brain Is The Thought That Fills The Entire Universe

765.1Comment: “Do I think or does someone think for me? Do I live or does someone control me?” Such are the questions asked by many scientists.

Today, the hypothesis that consciousness exists independently of the brain is defended by modern Dutch physiologists, who believe that thinking matter does not exist at all. And British scientists argue that the brain, like any other organ, consists of cells and is not capable of thinking. It works like a device that only detects thoughts.

In 1935, a baby was born in New York, who lived for 27 days, cried, behaved like all newborns, and only after his death, pathologists found that he had no brain at all. How is this possible?

My Response: We do not know what the brain is. We do not know where it is located. In practice, it spreads throughout the body, because each cell must know what to do and how to interact with the whole organism.

The body is a mechanism that must receive signals, implement them, and give a response, a response about execution. That is, the brain should be practically everywhere in every cell, at every point.

The brain is a field that exists in us, around us. You can’t even say “in or around us” because this is a completely different reality, a different dimension. It is the thought that fills and surrounds the entire universe, the entire universe.

Even astrophysicists and astronomers say that our universe is a thought. They feel that in the conversation of the stars, in the entire vast volume of the universe, in the accumulation of seemingly completely dead bodies, there is a thought, a melody, a transmission of huge information about the past, present, and future, and not at the level of inanimate masses, but at a completely different internal level, which, unfortunately, we do not cover, do not understand.

Therefore, all our attempts to understand the work of the brain, in principle, do not lead to great success because the brain is an executive part. It is what catches the surrounding signals, interacts with them and converts them into some very external, very primitive instructions to our body. No more.

We are beings completely unknowable to ourselves, we do not know ourselves. We just feel our body, and who we really are, we do not know.

Moreover, we do not know the system that controls us and binds us together into one single control force. The brain is there.

Question: Where do all the signals come from?

Answer: What does “come” mean? We are in this system, in the same volume. And we feel ourselves in the form of an animal, a material body, with its executive part, which includes our brain.
From KabTV’s “Close up. Dissenting Opinion” 8/29/10

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What Lies Beyond The Limits Of Intellect?
The Brain Is A Modem
Where Are Our Desires And Thoughts Located?

A Big Child

204Question: Why is there always a sense that a man is looking for a mother in a woman?

Answer: Because he always remains a child. Even if he develops industry, technology, science, art, and so on, he is always guided by his fantasy, which is like a child’s fantasy. Men even become better chefs and cooks than women. And this is how it is with everything. Precisely due to the fact that man remains a child.

There is no reproductive function in a man. He does not give birth to the next degree, which represents a new generation in our world or a spiritual degree in the upper world. To do this, he needs a female part. Only through her can he realize himself.

A woman takes semen from him, either his spiritual or his biological part, and develops it.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Siamese Twins” 9/19/10

Related Material:
Maturation Of Men
Men Under Stress
A Crisis In Masculinity

How Are Inclinations Of An Unborn Child Established?

547.01Question: Can a mother establish negative inclinations in a child who has not yet been born and has not yet been formed?

Answer: I think that the inclinations of an unborn child are established long before its conception. It is necessary to count not from pregnancy but from the way the parents themselves were formed as children, how they were brought up and how they went through life.

We also need to pay attention to what happens to them when they become adults. If they have bad inclinations, then, of course, they will somehow pass these inclinations on to their offspring, and not only in the form of informational data, but also with some kind of bias for implementing them.

Therefore, children with such inclinations must be surrounded from the very first days with very close care, given them the right education, so that they do not realize not only negative information data, but also the incorrect use of these inclinations in their parents, who have become, for example, criminals or socially dangerous elements.

Therefore, children with such inclinations should be surrounded from the very first days with very close care. They should be given the correct education so that they do not realize and implement in themselves, not only negative information data but also the incorrect use of these inclinations in their parents who have become, for example, criminals or socially dangerous elements.
From KabTV’s “Close up. Unwanted Children” 11/28/10

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We Don’t Give Our Children The Right Education Because We Didn’t Get One Either
The Solution To Our Failing Education Systems Is To Study The Upper Governance
The Need to Nurture the Proper Perception In Children

Egoism Is Impossible To Tame

115.06Question: Why is gold so valuable?

Answer: Gold is the universal equivalent. Give another equivalent, and there will be another instead. Gold was detached from the monetary system and look at what happened: They began to speculate and print money.

You cannot print gold, but you can print paper. By doing this, we laid a land mine under ourselves that could explode. Today it is delivering the results.

It is inevitable! Since the ego is impossible to tame, you can only rise above it. And when you exist in it, it still develops to a state where you just kill yourself, and still do it with pleasure.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Dollars, Gold or Diamonds?” 4/21/14

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The Ego Cannot Be Destroyed
How To Work With Egoism
Taming The Ego

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 4/27/22

Preparation to the Lesson

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot,” Vol. 1, Part 1, Item 3

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Selected Highlights

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