The Latest Windows System

276.02How easy it was to feel, support, and inspire a friend when we were physically together. And now we need to learn to feel each other through the screen. In fact, there will be no need for physical meetings; this will be the further development.

We will develop to such states that screens will not be in front of us but around us. This screen on which I now see my friends will connect with the screen showing me the world.

We still see the world around us on the screen, but we do not understand that it is a screen. All of humanity and the events happening to it are a broadcast on a screen that comes to me from above, from the Creator.

But it is possible to build an additional screen with which I will reveal a different, upper reality. And this screen depends on me, on whether I acquire the desire for bestowal.

In the same way, we will build a screen between us and with it we will no longer need today’s computer screen to see our friends.

Inside us there will be such an “Windows operating system” that will allow us to move from one window to another, from stage to stage, from world to world.

We will definitely come to this. If we do not have time in this life, then we will meet in the next cycle and continue this work.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/22, Writings of Baal HaSulam, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar

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