“How Is War Today Different To War In The Past?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: How is war today different to war in the past?

In today’s war, we have the means to rise above the war and the conflict, and connect two opposing sides in a way where they complement each other.

In the current war, like in the previous world war, the world rose against the desire of one power to control others by force.

In addition to war manifesting in the physical world, it also plays out psychologically, in our thoughts and desires, at the very point where we agree on being in control. That is, we have self-determining matter, egoism, at the center of our being, built on receiving pleasure for itself alone. It is opposite to the altruistic force of nature, which is built on the bestowal of pleasure, and which precedes the egoistic matter.

Since the egoistic force is lower in status—a receiver—to the altruistic force—a giver—it comes to disagree with its status as a receiver, and instead chooses to acquire the giver’s status, equal in form with the altruistic force that created it. Accordingly, we see how today’s world holds a general mutual consensus against the desire of one power to control over another by force.

I very much hope that both sides will better understand the increasingly interconnected and interdependent ties we have today, how there are forces in nature that advance us to more unified states, and that they are ultimately awakening the wars we experience. Moreover, these forces also give us the opportunity to rise above the current wars we face, and unite.

I also hope that this understanding will lead us to a state where the conflicting sides will discover—which they indeed need to discover—the way by which they can both be satisfied, and moreover, that they will receive twofold what they would receive from one side defeating the other—”twofold” because they would draw the positive forces dwelling in nature into the connection that they establish.

War today is thus different to war in the past in that, today we have the means to rise above war and conflict, and connect two opposing sides in mutual complementarity.

I thus wish for all sides in conflict today to seek and discover unity above division, and by doing so, mutually enjoy a whole new level of peace, harmony and prosperity.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on March 14, 2022. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Soul Connection System

264.01There is a connection between us that emanates from our original source of complete interconnection, which is called the system of Adam from the word “Edomeh – similar.” This system is completely similar to the Creator and we are all its particles.

After the breakage of the system of Adam into egoistic particles, we moved away from each other and became opposite to each other. And now we have to overcome the antagonism, the rejection, between us and bring ourselves back to the global connection.

This is our mission. And it should be done here while on Earth in this world. The system of connection of souls means that we all must internally strive for such a connection between us in order to form a combination of forces, thoughts, and aspirations that would be directed only to goodness.

Eventually from our good aspirations for each other, we will create an absolutely integral and interconnected state called Adam or one common soul, which will be similar to the Creator.

In other words, just as the human body lives due to the interconnection of the cells of the body, here we must also be connected by feelings and emotions. And it needs to start right now.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 2/1/22

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Do Not Lower Yourself To The Dwarfs

514.02Dealings with dwarfs deform the spine (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec).

Question: Can you comment on this?

Answer: That is right. Beautiful! Do not bow down, do not give in, and do not lower yourself to the small people. Very often we have to do this here, everywhere in in our lives. Do not do that. Remain in proud isolation.

Question: Who are dwarfs?

Answer: Dwarfs are people who have all sorts of petty, egoistic goals and achievements and try to impose them on everyone. And in the end life is like that.

Question: We should not bend down to them?

Answer: No, absolutely not! We should not agree, bend down, or be with them. Do not lower your spirit to their level.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 12/23/21

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 3/20/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Pesach (Passover)” 

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

Understand What To Live For

538Question: When a question about the meaning of life is revealed in a person, is it important how one uses it? Is it important to understand that this is qualitatively a new desire that gives me the opportunity to rise to another level?

Answer: Yes, but only if you have a solution to the question: “What is next beyond this life?” Moreover, it must be reality and not what they promise you, for example, “If you kill fifty people, then you will immediately go to heaven with a hundred houris.”

Without taking anyone’s word for it, you can actually discover for yourself the next course of our existence beyond our body, you can exit it now and begin to comprehend the true reality. You still live in this life, and immediately its next level goes over the top here; you continue it and see that it is endless and perfect. Then it’s worth living and otherwise it’s not.

Today we do not want to have children. What for? Why? When I see what life is like and how people suffer, I invest in a child and educate him, for what? So that from the age of 15 he begins to feel unhappy? He himself subconsciously asks: “Why did you give birth to me?”

Therefore if I do not answer my question about the meaning of my life and my children, then our earthly existence must end there before the sun goes out.

Look at what is happening with Europe. There are negative demographics all around. Is it hard for us to live? Not hard at all! People lived in much worse conditions and gave birth to fifteen children. And now there is no point even in one child because a person is so empty inside that he feels this emptiness in his continuation.

And here it is in our generation that Kabbalah is revealed and provides us with the opportunity to reveal a perspective that will change our whole life.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Summing Up” 4/7/10

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