Only An Idiot Does Not Give Up

627.1Question: Churchill gave a speech to the boys at Harrow School. “This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

Question: What does “never, never, never give up” mean for you?

Answer: It means to constantly, very often at least, feel disappointed, and wish to just give it all up, cut off from the whole world, disconnect yourself from it, and so on. And start over in a minute. Give up again and start over again.

I do not think there is such an idiot that never gives up. Churchill was not like that either.

Not giving up means that even when you give up, you must understand that there is a force acting upon you now that simply pushes you to finish what you are doing and start a new phase.

Question: Are you saying that it is as if one phase ends and next one begins? And there is always such a fall in this transition?

Answer: Absolutely! Otherwise, you cannot start anything new if you do not get disappointed in the past. You must experience it as if it were death. That is, nothing remains! Not even me, of course, first of all—me. Everything falls into oblivion!

Question: So, where do the forces to get out of this state come from?

Answer: Precisely because you want to simply part with all this and cut it off, it is from this that a new stage begins, from scratch.

Question: This is how you perceive it. But what about an ordinary person?

Answer: The same.

Question: Are thoughts to give up everything, to leave everything, good thoughts?

Answer: Good thoughts. Without them, you will have nothing new.

Question: And you say the same to an ordinary person?

Answer: Everyone needs it because all of nature is based on the fact that two states constantly change: reception and bestowal, plus and minus, darkness and light, and so on. Therefore, the next ascent is impossible without disappointments.

Question: Are there such phenomena when a person goes through life and never gives up?

Answer: Only if he is an idiot. I have met such people. But they are trained to be so if they are not born that way. And they are like wind-up toys: there is a key in the back, they have been wound-up, and have been like this all their lives.

May you have many mornings, evenings, days, and nights, and may they change very quickly. The most important thing is to live as many lives as possible during one lifetime.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/11/21

Related Material:
Man Does Not Give Up
To Give Does Not Mean to Impose
Nothing Is Stronger Than Habit

Set Yourself Up For Good

294.2Question: Now there are a lot of tips to constantly be positive. How can we be in joy of what life brings us?

Answer: If you think that everything comes from the Creator, who emanates only good, then there is no problem. You just have to set yourself up to receive it as a good thing.

To do this, you need to study Kabbalah and be in a Kabbalistic society. Then you will understand what to do with yourself.

Question: If a person is at the beginning of his progression, does he need to be able to forgive people who cause him trouble?

Answer: No, I don’t think so. There is something Christian in this, which has nothing to do with the spiritual.

Question: Does a person need to worry about what people will say about him?

Answer: It depends on what level. It is necessary to try to rise to such a level that the opinion of the Creator is important to you, not the opinion of others. To be in union, in adhesion, with the Creator and to realize His desires is important. You should be concerned about the implementation of the program of creation.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 6/13/21

Related Material:
How Can You Get Peace Of Mind?
Work On Yourself To Be In Joy
Do We Need To Forgive?

Take Your Place In The General System

275We represent one unified system and are parts of one unified structure called  the “soul” or “Adam” or “Kli” (vessel). It doesn’t matter what you call it, now we must reconnect into this structure.

In other words, there is a single structure, but we do not occupy our places in it, we are not fulfilling our mission. Instead of being a normal part of the general organism and investing myself in maintaining its overall work, I think only of myself and, like a cancerous tumor, I try to absorb everything into myself and devour the rest. We are all like that.

It turns out that the huge universe exists according to its own law of ideal bestowal and love, the ideal interaction of the entire closed system. And we in this system, as its parts, its organs, which should ideally fit each other, harmonize, cooperate with each other, and become absolutely integral, fail to fulfill this; therefore, our life looks so miserable.

Today we feel that we are really in an integral world, we are going through a global crisis. That is, we are beginning to feel that we are in the world system, which is global, integral, interconnected, and we are opposite to it, opposite to the general law of bestowal and love. Therefore, we must change ourselves under this law.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Universal Law” 9/30/09

Related Material:
Man Feels Good When The Whole Universe Feels Good
How We Perceive The World
To Perceive The World As It Is

Take Into Account The Interests Of Nature

294.1Question: In works on management, two points are not taken into account: the interests of nature in itself, and the very nature of man. Perhaps spiritual management built on principles of Kabbalah somehow prescribe this. How do we take into account the interests of nature so that we do not completely ruin it and do not follow the path of suffering?

Answer: We can no longer play with nature. Previously, we could do whatever we wanted with it, but only until humanity reached its maximum egoistic development.

And now we must transform ourselves into a semblance of nature. Otherwise we will not be able to work with it. We will not be able to make mistakes anymore because our mistakes will be immediately visible.

Today we see that we are not successful in anything—not the state, no one, and nothing since selfish decisions are no longer governing. They are just a disclosure of our mistakes.

Until we switch to altruistic control, we will not achieve anything. Therefore, you just need to create a ten and engage in it to unite people into one single whole.

In this case, a semblance of the general integral nature will appear in the ten. In it, we will study in a psychological, integral form how much we can or cannot approach each other, and how our egoistic nature, on the one hand, pushes us away from each other, and on the other hand, obliges us to overcome these distances between us.

Without studying these states, we will not be able to control objects, including large ones, because they will always and in everything selfishly move away from each other.

After all, what is the management problem? I give some signals and then there are people who are generally not connected with each other. As a result, we will have to create such a ten that would be able to implement this unification program and thus spell out all the decisions.

Such a team will be able to solve a huge number of management issues. In practice, this will be the next level of government, enterprise, and family management, everywhere, because the correct recommendations will be issued.
From KabTV’s “Videoconference About the Science Of Management”

Related Material:
Mismatch Of Man With The Integrality Of Nature
Man And Nature: Aggravation Of Relations
For A Leader There Can Be No Personal Interests

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/21/21

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Growing Further in Order to Grow Closer”

[media 3] [media 4]

Lesson on the Topic “Introduction to The Book of Zohar, Item 46″

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]