Learn To Live Only In Thoughts

959Question: Is virtual connection enough to develop an individual as a person?

Answer: In the future, virtual communication will be of a different quality. It will only be the basis for the development of sensory, internal connections that cannot be transmitted through verbal or physical communication.

It just seems to us that we are somehow in contact with each other. We need to establish contact with our hearts and thoughts rather than physically when we are opposite to one other and thus perceive and are impressed by each other.

Question: What new sensory organs would you recommend developing for better communication through virtual connection?

Answer: I would advise people to learn to live only in thoughts so that we would all try to be connected together in one thought called the “thought of creation.” In this thought, we would understand each other, merge with each other, and reach a connection with the thought that governs the entire universe, the entire creation, and in which we must all be included.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/7/20

Related Material:
The Way To Ultimate Communication
Virtual Communication Is Closer To The Spiritual One
The Internet Needs A New Direction

A Sign Of Perceiving Information

560Question: There are critical moments in life after which the amount of information that is left in our memory drops sharply. It is assumed that during the first minutes after information is perceived about 25% of it is forgotten, after a couple of hours about 50% is forgotten, and after a day 75% of the information is lost.

A teacher’s goal is to diminish this loss. Is it enough if everyone in the group sums up one or two sentences or writes down a short summary of the conclusions? Will that somehow help preserve the information in our memory?

Answer: No, the information will remain only if there is a constant use for it. If not, nothing will remain.

Comment: Many students say that during the lessons they understand everything, but they leave the lesson totally empty.

My Response: That’s great!

Question: What’s so good about it? A person sits for three hours, listens to a lecture, and the moment he leaves, nothing is left in his memory.

Answer: It means that the information has actually entered him, and is now inside him.

Question: Will I be able to retrieve this information and use it when I need it?

Answer: If you could remember all the information that you have absorbed during your lifetime, you would not be able to think, to decide, to discover anything. You would have no voids in your emotions and in your mind in order to work with the information objectively. Your memory would be like a computer, full of data.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 7/24/20

Related Material:
Conditions Of Information Perception
Information Is A Message
Examples And The Perception Of Information

What Will Motivate People To Work Together?

600.01Question: Economists today point to employee motivation as one of the biggest challenges. Workplace conditions, bonuses, and salary increases no longer work. The basis of motivation has changed recently, especially in the era of coronavirus. What advice can you give people who cannot find motivation in themselves?

Answer: I think we will soon come to such a state when people will start howling in anguish like wolves at the moon. Then they will understand that they need the most serious motivation, strength, and ability to get out of their absolute hopeless state. They will start looking for someone who can give them this motivation, and they will come to us.

Question: Research shows that a boss who has the skills to listen to a subordinate is 13 times more likely to motivate an employee to stay in their workplace than a salary is. Do you think this has a future? After all, for many, the pay is the only reason to work.

Answer: No. We will reach such a state when a person is satisfied with his material condition so much that he will not have the motivation to work like a slave. He will begin to look for only a creative component in his work. I think we’ll come to this soon.

Question: What, in your opinion, is the most effective way to motivate a work team?

Answer: Connection and the achievement of a special goal is precisely in unity, where huge layers of work on oneself and with others are being revealed. A person will begin to reveal such inner possibilities of his own and others that he will see what incredible events are taking place in and around him.

Question: So people doing collaborative work will get energy from the fact that they work well together?

Answer: Not only. If they are properly linked with each other, then they will find among themselves an emotional, spiritual, upper state that gives them a reward that they will not see in any profession. They will perceive everything directly from the desire for self-realization in a team.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 8/28/20

Related Material:
What Determines The Motivation To Live And Work?
The Only Motivation
The Technology Of The “Wisdom Of The Crowd”: Motivation

Toward A Higher Spiritual Life

527.03Question: In our world a person feels fear, joy, security, etc. Are there such sensations in the spiritual world?

Answer: In the spiritual world, all the feelings that exist in our world are billions of times higher, deeper, and stronger, and a person can control them. If in our world we are born with certain sense organs and gradually develop them under the influence of our world, but insignificantly, then in the spiritual world we can develop them literally from scratch, when we simply do not have them, since they are in a rudimentary state, and we cannot use them.

Starting to develop the spiritual senses, we bring them to a state in which we reveal the entire upper world, all the forces that are in it, all the variations of the possibilities of their influence on us.

We feel how we influence them with feedback, enter into certain interactions with them, and start playing with them. We influence the spiritual world, and it affects us. This interaction with the upper world is called the highest spiritual life.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/12/18

Related Material:
Physical And Spiritual Life
Preparation Period: A Voucher To The Spiritual Life
A Society That Helps Start A Spiritual Life

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12/4/20

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic of “Middle Line”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot, ‘Histaklut Pnimit,’ Vol. 1, Part 2, Chapter 7, Item 81″   

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights   

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