Toward A Higher Spiritual Life

527.03Question: In our world a person feels fear, joy, security, etc. Are there such sensations in the spiritual world?

Answer: In the spiritual world, all the feelings that exist in our world are billions of times higher, deeper, and stronger, and a person can control them. If in our world we are born with certain sense organs and gradually develop them under the influence of our world, but insignificantly, then in the spiritual world we can develop them literally from scratch, when we simply do not have them, since they are in a rudimentary state, and we cannot use them.

Starting to develop the spiritual senses, we bring them to a state in which we reveal the entire upper world, all the forces that are in it, all the variations of the possibilities of their influence on us.

We feel how we influence them with feedback, enter into certain interactions with them, and start playing with them. We influence the spiritual world, and it affects us. This interaction with the upper world is called the highest spiritual life.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 11/12/18

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