Nature Speaks To Us Through The Coronavirus

laitman_245.11Nature advances us, it arranges the right relationship to each other and to nature in general, that is, the Creator. It steered us through the first stage and has moved on to the next.

And therefore, at this new stage, we will soon realize that this is not just another virus, an accident that will soon pass and we will be able to return to our previous lives with the help of some medicine. Do not be mistaken that you can return to the pre-coronavirus state and that the epidemic will end like any other flu.

You must understand that nature will continue to put pressure on us because it has a program, a goal, that it will certainly fulfill without any pity. Therefore, all of humanity will face difficulties, pressure, and blows from nature. Its purpose is not just to quarantine and distance us from each other; it is to awaken us to action that will lead to a conscious unification.

Nature wants us to think about what is happening and see that it is important not just to get rid of the virus, but to understand what the epidemic is for, what its purpose is, what it is doing to us, what changes it makes in our mind and feelings, and how it develops us.

The virus will not disappear, but it will put even stronger and, more importantly, qualitative pressure on us. Then we will have to understand that this is the Creator speaking to us. A virus is not a random phenomenon of a simple nature that does not understand and does not feel anything, as biologists and doctors believe.

We must try to discern the hand that acts in the coronavirus, through it, with a specific aim to increase our mind, understanding, and feelings and allows us to see in the virus that power and thought it brings.

But if you look correctly and see help from above designed to lead us to a sublime, higher goal, then we will perceive the virus as a manifestation of love, an altruistic action that seeks to correct us and connect us.

And then we will see in the coronavirus, in this epidemic, with all its suffering, its goal. Therefore, instead of wanting to escape from the blows and extinguish them, we will want to continue moving in the direction the virus is pushing us, not resisting the pressure, but walking along with this wave.

In this case, we will reveal the path of correction that the virus opens before us, and we will go with it to where it leads us, that is, we will move from the path of suffering to the path of light, and make an ally out of the enemy.

So, we will distinguish a hint in the actions of the virus, a sign, showing us how to change our heart and mind in order to understand the Creator, to achieve likeness to Him, adhesion, connection, and closeness.

By intensifying our suffering, nature, that is, the Creator, wants to force us to relate to what is happening. It wants us to see not just blows, but to notice the higher mind and feelings behind them, the attitude of nature toward us, which seeks to educate and teach us, and most importantly, bring us closer to itself. This is the trend of our time, which will manifest itself more and more day after day.

I hope that humanity will be able to open its heart and mind and see in the growing changes in human society an invitation to approach the Creator, which is the cause of everything that happens.

We, as smart children, will perceive the pressure of Mother Nature not as a cruel punishment, but we will realize why it is putting pressure on us and what it wants from us. After all, this pressure is only an external manifestation of a good attitude, designed to awaken us, the egoists.

If we rise above our egoism in order to see and feel what our parents really want from us, we will perceive everything differently: as a manifestation of love and a desire to draw us to them.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/12/20,   “Pesach (Passover)”

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