Listen To What I, Nature, Am Telling You!

laitman_294.2There is only one global force of nature, and it sends us the coronavirus so that we would respond to it properly and correct reality.

First of all, we must understand that the virus comes from the general integral system of nature, which reacts to us in this way due to the fact that we humans are in disequilibrium with it. Therefore, nature seeks to balance us by force.

Nature tells us through this pest, this virus: “You have reached an integral form. Unite in your egoism around the entire globe. You have already become one humanity—wonderful! Now I will begin to reveal to you, as one body, through this one virus that you are out of order. Start to heal little by little!

“But you need to think about how to respond to this virus, which affects all of humanity and the whole
planet; you need to act together. Unite, act together, begin to change the governmental systems in each country, the relationship between countries, and relations within society. Make yourself as one, one body, and then this virus will disappear without a trace.

“Otherwise, it will not leave. It will come in various other forms, in all kinds of modifications, until I, nature, make you all become a single society where everyone complements, supports, and is friendly to each other. I will pressure you with all kinds of viruses so much that you will be forced to connect with each other and connect with me, nature.”

This is the path of suffering, which is called “Beito” (“in due time”), in the course of natural development. But there is still a way of accelerating time (Achishena), when we ourselves, through the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah, understand what needs to be done and begin to build good relations with each other and educate ourselves in how to become a single humanity.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/3/20, Writings of Baal HaSulam, Shamati 1, “There Is None Else Besides Him”

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