New Life #5 – Mutual Connection

New Life #5 – Mutual Connection
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi

We are entering a new world in which we must learn to live in mutual guarantee and love with one another both personally and globally. Humanity is in crisis regarding family life, economics, education, employment, ecology, depression, and addiction. In order to avoid world war, we need to engage in a new type of education through which we will correct human egoism and learn to feel the world through others. We need to become more like nature, which operates as an integral system based on mutual guarantee at all levels. Humanity can be influenced through an environment that models how to make concessions for others. Habit becomes second nature as we engage in this interconnected and interdependent system. We will become like the image of Adam or one human and attain domestic peace where each one feels that his life depends on others and that love covers all crimes.
From Kab TV’s “New Life #5 – Mutual Connection,” 1/2/12

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