The Structure Of The Universe, Part 4

232.09Restriction—Malchut’s refusal to accept the Light

Question: If the development of the world would have stopped at the first stage, would we be like animals with no independent desire to receive?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And if everything had stopped at stage four and not developed any further, then even though this desire was independent, we still could not control it?

Answer: It is still not an independent desire because even though it breaks and aims toward the pleasure on its own, it is directed toward the pleasure dictated by Keter. It wants to be fulfilled according to its nature. This desire realizes that it wants the same thing that Keter wants.

Malchut feels that she receives from Keter and chooses what she wants to receive from it. It is precisely because she herself wants to receive from Keter that she continues to develop internally and realizes that she is not free, that she is controlled by these pleasures and desires. Meaning, the plus and the minus control her completely.

Thus, the property of freedom emerges in Malchut. She does not want to submit either to the lack of fulfillment or to the desire to be filled. She wants to feel independent because it feels that this property is present in Keter; he is the first, nothing is before him.

Now, a few more states develop in Malchut: she feels as an imperfect creation, she wants to become similar to Keter, similar to her Creator.

She feels that the Creator is absolutely free and is above bestowal and reception. But she is controlled by either the lack of fulfillment or by being fulfilled. Meaning, she has no freewill, no independent “I,” and the influence of both the plus and the minus control her completely.

She begins to feel that she has no freedom, that she is fully controlled. We call this feeling the revelation of the evil of one’s own nature, which is subject to either pleasure or the lack thereof.

This feeling brings Malchut the sensation of shame from the fact that she has no freewill and that she, in principle, is fully controlled. It is the feeling of being under complete control that gives rise to the need for an independent action. This stops her so much so that she stops having any kind of contact with the Light.

This state is called Tzimtzum (restriction). The sensation of the creature that it is completely controlled and has nothing of its own, nothing independent, forces it to restrict its actions, its desire. It wants to stop completely.

The creature is ready to eradicate the previous state, when it was fully controlled, in itself, to extinguish it. Therefore, this state is called restriction. In other words, when Malchut feels that there is no opportunity to act freely, she is ready to do anything to avoid feeling controlled.

Question: Does the shame that Malchut feels come from being completely controlled or from being opposite to the upper force that created it?

Answer: It is practically the same thing.
From KabTV’s “Basics of Kabbalah” 11/27/18

Related Material:
The Structure Of The Universe, Part 3
The Structure Of The Universe, Part 2
The Structure Of The Universe, Part 1

New Life 426 – Security And Jews Against Jews

New Life 426 – Security And Jews Against Jews
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

Israel is not a natural nation but a collection of people with different origins, views, and inclinations who share a single spiritual root. Jews speak out against Jews because we do not know who we are and where we came from. The wisdom of Kabbalah contains the truth about the nation of Israel and its spiritual constitution based on “love thy friend as thyself.” Our unique spiritual root requires that we attain the upper force through unification. Humanity is thirsty for our guidance and blames us for all the evil in the world. It obliges us to learn who we are and what our role is. We are to be like one circle and include the whole world.
From KabTV’s “New Life 426 – Security And Jews Against Jews,” 8/14/14

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/24/19

Lesson Preparation

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 134

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Lesson on the Topic “Tishaa BeAv (Ninth of Av)” 

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 7/23/19

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My Thoughts On Twitter 7/23/19

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

We are reaching the conclusion that increasing #assimilation of #Jews has always elicited a rise in #Antisemitism Antisemitism and, paradoxically, stronger accusations of particularism.

S. Lurie (1890-1964) , philologist, hellenist, antiquity historian. #quotes
Antisemitism in the Ancient World’, p. 128
From Twitter, 7/23/19

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Are Anti-Semitism And Anti-Zionism The Same? How Are They Similar? (Quora)

Michael Laitman, On Quora: Are anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism the same? How are they similar?

Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are definitely connected. Anti-Zionism only started being felt toward the end of the 19th Century and beginning of the 20th Century with the First and Second Aliyah. Arabs were against the return of the Jews. The Jews who wanted to return to Israel were met with Arab opposition. The Arabs even waged war against the Jews who came to settle in Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberius, and other nearby places.

Also, anti-Zionism is a result of the Turkish and British rule over Palestine. They used divide-and-conquer tactics to complicate relations between Jews and Arabs, cunningly positioning them against each other in order to establish their governance over them.

The Structure Of The Universe, Part 3


The Difference Between the First and the Last Degrees of Development of Desire

Question: What is the difference between the first degree of development of desire and the last? After all, they both want to receive.

Answer: Naturally. But the fact is that the receiving in the first degree of Hochma is instinctive, directed and binding, since it was created this way from the Keter. Creation in this state simply acts because it is forced by inner qualities.

When in Bina, it stops communicating with its source, Keter, since Bina refuses to receive, it breaks off the stream of pleasure, control emanating from Keter, then the creation itself begins to determine what is important to it. This creates a new desire, Malchut, which is determined by its own striving.

Question: That is, it is an independent desire, but the first degree is not?

Answer: Yes. This can be compared with you simply filling something inanimate or something that requires, asks, and aspires to be filled.

Question: Let’s say, in the example with food. If I were given a dish that I have never eaten before, then although I have a desire to receive, I still don’t try to eat it. Only after I tried it, do I have my own desire for this dish.

Therefore, as far as I understand, the four degrees of the development of creation are the essence of the whole Kabbalah?

Answer: The four degrees of direct light speak of the creation of the creature, desire. But this creature, in principle, feels that it desires from itself. The property of Bina separates the creation from the source: on the one hand, Keter, that fills, on the other hand, Malchut, that receives. Bina sort of cuts them apart.

The fact is that creation is not yet independent. It rushes to what Keter wants to give it, but at the same time does not control its desires. To control your desires means to be above them, to rise to a higher level; when you control, you create your desires, not that desires control you.

Thus, the whole of creation begins with the four stages of direct light. Moreover, the last degree, Malchut, finally filled with all the pleasure, that is, the light from Keter, is called Malchut of the World of Infinity because its fulfillment is absolutely infinite: it receives as much as it desires and is fulfilled by that.
From KabTV’s “Basics of Kabbalah,” 11/27/18

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The Structure Of The Universe, Part 2
The Structure Of The Universe, Part 1
The Four Stages Of The Development Of The Desire

New Life 270 – Self Love, Part 2

New Life 270 – Self Love, Part 2
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

We cannot attain self-love without loving others. Man is a social being. The goal of human development is to recognize that self-love is ultimately destructive. We need to provide a new social education that teaches people how to connect so that we can truly feel good about ourselves. The environment should wrap people in love, friendship, and mutual support by providing an example. A good environment promotes each person and awakens a special force at its center.
From KabTV’s “New Life 270 – Self Love, Part 2,” 12/16/13

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/23/19

Lesson Preparation

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 7/22/19

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