Audio Version Of The Blog – 3/22/19

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Between The Desires Of The Heart And The Arguments Of The Mind

laitman_235Question: How does a Kabbalist find a solution when he experiences contradiction between the desires of the heart and the arguments of the mind?

Answer: In our world, these contradictions are based on the person’s ignorance. He does not know where he is, with whom he deals, what he controls, and what he has to balance. He has absolutely no foundations.

In the spiritual world, he takes the Creator as the foundation, which is the basis of the balance of these two forces because He is the positive force. He generates the negative force so that we can exist in it as creations, opposite to Him.

Therefore, the balance between the two forces is maintained by the Creator at the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels, and at the spiritual level between the properties of bestowal and reception, but with our intervention, as much as we require, we ask Him to help us keep this balance.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/16/18

Related Material:
Harmony Is A Balance Of Contradictions
The Neutral Zone
Equality Is A Gift From Above

How Should One Perceive The Creator?

laitman_282.01Question: How should I perceive the Creator through a teacher: as a kind of mind or as a person?

Answer: Definitely not as a person! If such images arise, we must immediately dismiss them.

The Creator is a common force in all of us without exception. It unifies and fills us. It is a common field in which we exist. The quality of this field is absolute love and bestowal. Nothing else.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 12/02/18

Related Material:
What Does The Creator Look Like?
An Unchangeable Law Of Nature
The Concept Of God In Kabbalah

New Life 177 – Shema Israel (Hear O’Israel)

New Life 177 – Shema Israel (Hear O’Israel)
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

Shema Israel is a symbol of devotion to leave ones ego and give oneself to the love of others. There is one power that manages everything and we can connect to it if we become like it. Shema Israel is a lifeline because it is identification to the supreme, good, and benevolent. Devotion can only develop in a society that aspires to mutual responsibility through integral education. We need to build a social atmosphere that influences us to unite, connect, and guarantee love.
From the KabTV’s “New Life 177 – Shema Israel,” 4/30/13

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World Kabbalah Virtual Convention – 3/22/19

World Kabbalah Virtual Convention, “Preparation for Lesson 1” 

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World Kabbalah Virtual Convention, “A Field that the Lord Has Blessed,” Lesson 1

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 3/22/19

Lesson Preparation

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Items 1-16

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