My Thoughts On Twitter 8/28/18

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

The world is a projection of my egoistic qualities on the background of white light, which is opposite to them
Instead of showing us our flaws, the Creator shows them to us outside of us, as if they are foreign to us.
We criticize them egoistically, until we ask to see the truth!

Egoists care about life/earnings, while Kabbalists annul these goals and even themselves, existing because it’s the Creator’s will.
It’s written: Egoists’ reason is opposite to Torah—Kabbalists’ reason.
Egoists’ reason is in fulfilling life, while Torah’s reason is negating life.

Inasmuch as I immerse in the group, I’m in adhesion with the Creator.
The group is the degree of my adhesion with Him.
If I include myself in the group, annulling myself, I’ll discover that it accepts me and the Creator dwells between them.
The group is in a state of full correction!

We can’t measure our relationships directly, but we can do it relative to a foreign object: how different your feeling of it is from mine. Likewise in our world we use a standard to measure various phenomena/degrees. The group is the average between me and the Creator!

I can reach equivalence with the Creator only by reaching equivalence with the group—in this way, the Creator and I coincide. The group is the place where the Creator and I are together. My entire spiritual work lies in clinging to 9 friends and completing them to a 10.

Entering the ladder of merging with the Creator starts with the desire to be an “embryo” in the Creator and total submission to Him, as an embryo is in full charge of the mother. So the restriction is met: want nothing but being in the Creator i.e., all thoughts/desires—about Him.

Kabbalah: To motivate the Jews to unite, Israel must produce an educational program about the role of unity of the Jews in the unity of the world. #Trump should demand from #Israel to unite and thereby compel the whole world to follow, so he can get the Nobel Prize and relax.
From Twitter, 8/28/18

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