Audio Version Of The Blog – 01.23.16

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Internal And External Interpertations Of The Torah

laitman_219_01Question: Is there a connection between Israel, the Jewish people, Judaism, and the Torah?

Answer: Unfortunately these concepts are only slightly connected at the moment.

The Jewish people are the nation that was founded according to the laws of the wisdom of Kabbalah, the laws of close cooperation, mutual help, and a mutual struggle over egoism, to raise above egosim in the connection between us.

To do this there is a whole method that teaches us how to rise above our increasingly growing ego. When we reach this connection, the spiritual connection that appears between us enables us to be a nation.

Modern Judaism is divided into two parts:

  • Judaism that implements the external part of the Torah and focuses on observing the Mitzvot (commandments) in the corporeal earthly form as Orthodox Jews do.
  • Judaism that implements the internal part of the Torah and focuses on intentions: “What am I doing this for, what is my goal?” The focus here is not on the physical observation but on the internal observation of the Mitzvot that are aimed at ascending above our nature, and the ascent that follows to the next level of our existence, a level on which we exist before we are born and after we die.

These two parts of the Torah are opposites: the internal part of the Torah is called the wisdom of Kabbalah and the external part is called the keeping of the corporeal Mitzvot.

The wisdom of Kabbalah will gradually be revealed not only to the Jews but also to all the people in the world because everyone has to eventually reach complete mutual cooperation between them thanks to the wisdom of Kabbalah, since otherwise this world has no right to exist.

The year 5,776 according to the Hebrew calendar is now coming to an end. According to the Torah humanity has to reach the full mutual connection by the end of the year 6,000. There are 224 years left to reach the state in which we will be able to feel as organs in one healthy body, living in complete cooperation between us. Can you imagine that? Everyone connected to seven billion other people.

This is what we have to do. It is possible on the spiritual level. When you ascend a bit with the help of the wisdom of Kabbalah, you begin to see a totally different dimension, the leadership system of our world in mutual cooperation. In fact you can choose your future.

Related Material:
Internal And External, Part 1
Spiritual Hierarchy
Correction Comes From Inside

Beneficial Viruses

laitman_938_03Question: Isn’t it dangerous to unite with other people; can illnesses and negative feelings be passed on to me?

Answer: In our lives we are in the collisions and interactions with other people and all sorts of germs and viruses are passed from one to another in our life. But precisely because of that we become stronger and build immunity.

The same thing also happens when we fulfill the method of unity. When we work on the ego separately it is harmful, but when we begin to work together and rise above it we find out how helpful it is. It is given as help against us. This is the method of correction that we should study.

We should be grateful for our egoism, because with its help we ascend the spiritual ladder of 125 levels. The higher we ascend the ladder, the more our egoism grows and develops.


It is an amazing process in which the higher a person rises, the more egoistic he becomes and at the same time the more spiritual he becomes. This is how the wisdom of Kabbalah differs from all the other methods because we use all the forces of nature, including the egoistic force. Nothing is left outside my correction. I absorb all the negative and positive forces and unite them in a symbiosis, a special bundle, thanks to which I ascend the spiritual ladder.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 11/15/15

Related Material:
No Distances Or Viruses Can Frighten Us
The Benefits And Dangers Of Viruses
Harmful Viruses

Connection Of Kabbalah And Science

Efraim Eliav, my student, theoretical physicist, University of Petrograd graduate (1985), PhD (1988), currently professor and researcher of relativistic quantum chemistry, Tel-Aviv University prepared the following presentation.

Presentation Overview:

I. Scientific and Kabbalistic Views of the World

Three planes of comparison: ontological, epistemological and methodological (brief definition and description).

THESIS: Science is experiencing a growing systemic crisis.

A. Ontological Problems in Science:


1. Matter and energy known to science—the latest data:
In reality, we are familiar with only 4% (approximately) of matter and energy.
1990 – discovery of the dark matter (74% of the universe); with an irregular property E.


The completeness of this picture is also in doubt. Openly debated questions about the existence of an additional layer—the noo-sphere, and possibly other informational membranes not directly connected with the known (material) carriers continue.

2. Problems of life and living matter.

Synthesis of a live cell from scratch.
Mysteries of evolutionary leaps.
“Chemical” problems of evolution, etc.

B. Epistemological Problems in Science.

Limited understanding of major issues:

Truth and essence.
Essence of cognition.
Layers of cognition.
Principles of comprehension (cognition).
Faith and knowledge.
Understanding and justification.

– The limitations of individual observer’s sensors as well as instruments (e.g. Plank’s parameters).
– Physiological limits of the individual observer’s brain (typical rate of chemical reactions, the nature of soliton propagation of nerve impulses in the cerebral cortex, active zones are limited and so forth. As a result—low efficiency, inferiority to mechanical intellect on numerous parameters).

C. Methodological Problems in Science – in aggregate approaches and methods for the study of reality.

Two diverging approaches used in scientific methodology: empirical and theoretical. The principal limitation of the “instrument” of perception.
The transformation of some branches of fundamental science to philosophy. The scientific world is limited in purpose, methodology, tools and objects.
The Kabbalistic view of the world removes all the above limitations.

II. Advantages of Kabbalistic View of the World Over the Scientific:

A. Timeliness (incredible relevance, topicality and even “acuteness”) + modernity + the most extensive compared to other sciences’ research experience (6,000 years).

B. A unique, truly coherent and comprehensive objective criteria, based on a fundamentally altruistic “beyond-the collective” perception of reality. Systemic and systematic methodology and investigator-Kabbalist. A harmonious blend of sensual and adequate (typical of material art) and rational (ascribed normal science) research approaches. A mandatory system-altruistic transformation of the individual investigator – in Kabbalah, genius and evil are incompatible.

C. Kabbalah—the science is targeted, universal, integrated and unlimited (the scope of the material world and worldview of the egoistic individual researchers):

– Answers not only the question “HOW?” but also “WHY?” It is strictly human-oriented. The ultimate goal of Kabbalah—the revelation of the single, universal and creative force of Universe, and is based on the harmonization of man, society and nature.
– Uses a single, universal method for the discovery and subsequent application of the most general and universal laws of nature operating on all 4 levels of the organization of matter, as well as in above-the-material reality. (Kabbalah is the only science that has the instruments and methodology for the study of the overall structure and functioning of all life.) Kabbalah has the ability to deal with systemic crises in all spheres of the Universe.

III. The Correspondence Between Scientific Evidence and Laws and Kabbalistic Laws in accordance with the rule of “root and branch.”

Basic laws of Kabbalah (according to Baal HaSulam and Laitman) “roots” and scientific “branches.” (Examples)

A. “The law is granted; it’s impossible to circumvent it” + “I do not alter My essence” + “There is a thought in the beginning; there is the creation at the end.”

1. Laws of nature (physical, chemical, mathematical…) that work on all all scales at all times. Strict determinism of fundamental laws of physics and chemistry (including quantum physics).

2. The anthropic principle (particularly in the “strong” form) and “fine tuning.” Examples: physical constants, astronomical correlations (ratios), chemical “autosynthesis” of biomolecules, strong and weak interactions of nuclear matter.

3. The “goal oriented nature” of the Big Bang and evolution of the Universe

4. “Circular” symmetry in nature. Laws of conservation of energy and momentum + SU symmetry in the “standard” model of elementary particles.

B. Nothing ever “disappears” in spirituality.
The law of conservation of information is the major law of physics and all natural sciences.

Manifestations of the law:
– Quantum entanglement (“tangled” states) + instant transfer of information. Phenomena of quantum teleportation, cryptography, computations;
– Quantum coherence of Universe resulting from quantum entanglement proto-matter;
– Holographic nature of Universe.

C. “Nothing was ever created but the Light and the vessel” (with opposite properties—“the inverse order of the Lights and vessels).

1. The existence of only two types (families) of elementary particles that show dissimilar collective behavior: bosons (“altruists”) and fermions (“egoists”); mathematicians formally admit the existence of two other types (“statistics”). However, due to unknown reasons, scientists only realize two types.

2. Differences between the inanimate, vegetative, animate and speaking levels from the points of view of physics and Kabbalah;

3. Analog nature and infinity of spiritual worlds opposed to the digital (and therefore quantized) as well as limited in space, time and movement (speed) of the material world. The finiteness of the universe in time and space. Hubble’s law and the shape of a finite universe.

4. There is no light without a vessel – a vessel is created by the light.

– Forces of Nature as a result of the interaction of bosons with a minimum of 2 fermions;
– The initial phase of the Big Bang – unified interface (proto-bosons against the “dark” background of virtual proto-fermions).

5.  The general and particular are equal + everything consists of 10 Sephirot

a. The similarity of the micro and macro worlds (10-dimensional string theory and 10-dimensional model of a finite universe);

b. Fractal patterns in physics, chemistry, biology, sociology. The special role of “10” in various phenomena;

c. The phenomenon of superconductivity. (Cooper pairs and dozens);

6. Abraham’s formula of the universe: World, Year, Soul (space, time, cognition) + “man – the crown of creation”

a. The sequence of changes in view in the role of the observer in physics (Newton, Einstein, Pauli, Everett, Penrose, Aronov).

b. Relativistic Quantum physics and the phenomenon of consciousness. Link between cognition and space and time. Aronov’s theory.

c. Experiments with a double slit—behavior of micro-objects dependent on the observer’s consciousness. Correction of consciousness—the restructuring of the world at the level of micro-objects.


Kabbalah not only meets the most stringent criteria of science:

1. Reliability—an explanation of known phenomena + prediction of new,

2. Empiricism—multiple testing by numerous and diverse investigators at different times and locations

3. Openness to researchers and the general public,

but Kabbalah also provides the most complete, unified and accurate model (picture) of the world.

Related Material:
The Universe Is A Computer Program
The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And The Rest Of The Sciences
Life Is Perceiving What Seems Non-Existent