Inner Resetting

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: You say that today the number of human actions in a certain period of time is accelerating. Apparently, this is due to the amount of information in which we find ourselves.

Answer: It depends on a person’s internal resetting, on whether he will be able to accept and transform himself according to a completely new paradigm, a new attitude towards himself and society, the environment and the world. If instead of trying to absorb everything in himself, for himself, a person readjusts himself in the opposite direction, then he will be able to find himself “outside himself,” in what surrounds him.

He will sense the present self only as a transmitting, faithful animal that exists only until he enters the next dimension—“outside himself.” And then, this animal (our physical body) disappears from our sensations. We are moving towards this.
From KabTV’s “Through Time” 3/18/13

Related Material:
The Acceleration Of Time
Ego And The Sensation Of Time
Time = Motion = Place

One Comment

  1. Dear Rabbi,am an African and living in Africa. i want answers to the following question that has been disturbin me since i was a child,including recommending books and article that will help me. who are mine and why was i created n is there anytin as reincanation? and how do i know what went wrong in my previous life. thanks

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