When Will People Realize That They Are The Ones To Blame For The Crisis?

In all life situations, your behavior should be determined only by the spiritual goalIn the News (from Mail Online):One family kicked out of their home every 10 minutes as repossessions rocket 92%” One family is being kicked out of their home every ten minutes [in England]. The economic crisis has got dramatically worse since September, which means even more families will now be losing their battle to keep their home. With 85 firms going bust every day, unemployment is rising, which is one of the most common triggers for losing your home.

My Comment: When will people start looking for those responsible, and find that they are the ones to blame – and then correct themselves!?

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: The Financial Crisis Is Helping Us to Understand Our Reality
Laitman.com Post: Gordon Brown, “Seize This Moment of Change to Create a Truly Global Society”


  1. I dont understand. It is our fault, yet we are controlled by Him, and those without a point in the heart do not even have the slightest oppurunity for a free choice. So how can it be anyone’s fault but His?

  2. Q: When will people start looking for those responsible, and find that they are the ones to blame – and then correct themselves!?

    A: When WE start feeling we’re the ones to blame and correcting ourselves!

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