Entries in the 'Society' Category

The Real Truth

546.03Question: The concept of truth is different in the spiritual world and in our world. Each one has their own truth in our world. How should we unite the concept of truth in our world and get closer to the spiritual truth?

Answer: If you cut off the concept of truth from yourself and accept the truth in others, it will help you detach yourself from yourself.

You will then be able to reach the level of Hesed, which means to relate to others at least as you relate to yourself.

Then you will move on to the level of righteousness, which is about everyone being equal, identical, and everyone needing only basic necessities according to their individual state. Eventually, you will reach truth again, and it will be the real truth.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 7/28/19

Related Material:
Did Humanity Ever Know Truth?
The Taste Of Truth
Where Is The Truth?

The Secret Of Universal Equality

600.02Question: What is equality between people?

Answer: If we build a society in such a way that a person will have satisfaction from it: “I did it, and everyone sees it, everyone knows, everyone understands and thanks me,” then there is no greater pleasure for that person. He will be ready to work from morning till night. It is only necessary to properly build a chain of public relations.

There will be no equality ever and there is no need. It is not programmed by nature. It does not exist in the animal pack either. What equality exists there? There is a leader, followed by a pair of males helping him, and all the others trail behind. Equality is not programmed by nature. Equality is leveling, it is death.

Comment: But you say that the last generation should be built on the principles of equality.

My Response: Equality means that everyone has an equal right to realize themselves according to their natural abilities and capabilities. Everyone should have equality in realization, in the opportunity to express themselves.

Let us say I was born in a family of rich, strong people, and someone was born in a family of weak, poor people. It does not matter. There should be equality in the opportunity to move forward and not in the fact that everyone was trimmed to the same size.

The next stage will really be like this. When a person begins to receive only spiritual reward and this will be enough for him, when he realizes that for a normal existence he does not need more than what his animal body requires and everything else will be revealed to him as a spiritual reward, a connection with a higher power, with eternity, harmony, and perfection, then the people themselves will consciously cease to be interested in some kind of earthly rewards.

They will not need any medals, no extra money, nothing, and all the rewards will be spiritual because the connection with the Creator will be opened before them.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Hope for Peace” 9/9/09

Related Material:
Spiritual Equality
Conditional Equality
How Do We Reach Equality?

The Life Of The Future Generation

278.03Question: How can we convey information about the integral force and integral society to the kind of people who do not need spiritual work as such, but nevertheless, will exist in the society of the future?

Answer: I am sure that humanity will be divided into tens because this is the optimal form of teaching and uniting people. Thus, all people will be provided with integral education and will be able to perceive nature through the ten on the principle of loving your neighbor as yourself.

This is the principle not just of good relationships, but of changing everyone’s perception of the world. Therefore, all people will be able to understand what kind of world they are in, in which nature is one single system. Today we talk about it theoretically, but in practice, we do not feel it this way because everyone lives in their own egoistic individuality.

Just as there are people in the material world who are engaged in the theory of information and control and those who work in simple jobs and do not know anything about it, so there will be people who are interested in understanding the upper system of governance and the global integral nature in general.

The wisdom of Kabbalah says that all of mankind will gradually pass through the stage of rising to the correct perception of reality. Then we will be able to really build our life in accordance with how we will perceive it. This will be the life of the corrected generation where we all understand our existence as an integral whole in an integral nature and will build our lives in accordance with it.

Moreover, this life will be completely different from the material one because at the same time we will perceive a different reality beyond time, space, and any egoistic restrictions that dictate our reality to us today.
From KabTV’s: “The Science of Management”

Related Material:
The Transition From Individualism To Community
Integrality Of The Overall System
Becoming One System

“What Is The Best Kind Of Equality?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What is the best kind of equality?

People are different by nature. As such, we should not demand the same effort from naturally lazy people than from hard-workers, nor the same results from highly intelligent people than from people with lower levels of intelligence, nor from people drawn to technology and from those drawn to education, culture and/or other fields.

People differ, and thus it is impossible to demand equality from everyone.

We are also unable to recognize and measure each person’s natural qualities by direction and size. By demanding the same results from everyone, we try to squeeze everyone into a Procrustean bed. In other words, we want to “shorten” or “stretch” every person, so that everyone will fit exactly one size. That is simply wrong.

Additionally, nations differ in culture, education, religion and development. Each nation has its own place, and should be respected in its place. After all, every individual is unique in their own way.

This is why we should take into consideration the limitations and the distinctive characteristics of each person. If we preserve such equality, i.e. the equality of every individual’s opportunity to express themselves in the most effective way relative to humanity, we will then abolish egoistic interrelationships and bring about altruistic and equal ones. By doing so, we will all discover our maximal individuality and uniqueness as beneficial members of humanity, and we will then reach a state where we will all live and develop in the most favorable manner.

Based on a Q&A with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on September 9, 2006. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

“What Is The Best Way Of Evaluating A Person?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What is the best way of evaluating a person?

We should appreciate only the aspirations and efforts that are directed toward the good of humanity; not toward our own good, the good of our nation or our family—but only toward the good of humanity. If we respect this direction of aspiration and effort, we will then see the degree to which we overcome our egoistic nature for the sake of belonging and contributing to the world.

I think that all people must overcome their egoistic desire. If we each contribute in such a way, then we should merit gratitude and respect from society in response. Everyone should value and be grateful to people according to the degree of their social contribution.

We are created such that we need society’s recognition. This is how, in essence, we express our “self.” If we will arrange a society that respects and appreciates its members for their social contribution, then such a society will protect its members and respond to their contribution to humanity. By doing so, we will enable every person to become an active member of humanity. We will see only positive aspects from every person relative to the whole human society; we will see the kind of contribution every person adds.

This is why we must establish such laws in our society where we will each be evaluated only according to our contribution to humanity. If we evaluate people by these criteria, if we will each know that others evaluate and treat us precisely in this way—then we will have no choice but to become healthy cells in the general body, or in other words, we will each realize our maximal usefulness to humanity.

Based on a Q&A with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on September 9, 2006. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

“The Task Facing Humanity” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “The Task Facing Humanity

There are countless tasks facing humanity: We have to offset our negative influence on the climate, make sure everyone has clean drinking water, minimal healthcare, and staple foods. We also have to tend to the millions, if not billions of oppressed people around the world, to the growing inequality between the haves and the have nots, to the depression of so many people who seem to have everything but can’t find satisfaction in life, and so on and so forth. How can we deal with all those problems? The short answer is “We can’t!” The (slightly) longer answer is “We can’t because we’re dealing with the problems separately instead of looking for their common root. If we dealt with this, we would solve them all, and quickly.”

So far, I have not seen anyone seriously looking for the root cause behind everything that’s going on. Can it be that all our problems, social, emotional, environmental, and political, have nothing in common? That is, the only thing that is obviously common to them is man, but what is it about man that’s causing these problems? Are different things about us causing the different problems, or are they stemming from one root flaw?

From everything I’ve learned in science and in Kabbalah, everything is connected. Cybernetics, the field of science that I studied, teaches how to deal with systems. It relates to everything as a system whose parts are interrelated and interdependent. The wisdom of Kabbalah says exactly the same. The natural conclusion should therefore be that the problem is with the system we are living in, the system that connects us all.

In other words, if we fix the connections among the parts in the system, the system will function well, achieve balance, or homeostasis, to use a more scientific language, and our lives will run smoothly. The root cause of our problems, therefore, is not with each part individually, but with the connections among them.

Currently, these connections are negative. This means that the parts are striving to disconnect from the system or take over the system. If you take our brain as an example, it would be as if neuron in our brain tried to disconnect from all the others or, alternatively, to dominate them. Would such a brain be functional?

Humanity is like the brain of the world we live in. Yet, we are as dysfunctional as the brain in the example I just gave; this is why our planet and our lives are looking so dismal.

If we want to change the world we live in, to change our society, and to change our own future from the miserable one that’s currently in store for us, to the glorious future we can have, we have to mend our connections. And since it is our connections that we need to fix, we can only do this together, through a mutual decision to change. The greater the number of people who understand the gravity of the problem of our negative connections, the more we will all want to change it. And the more we want to change our connections, the easier it will be to achieve.

Therefore, there are two stages in the healing process: 1. Awareness, 2. Healing. Currently, not enough people are aware of the singular cause of our multiple problems. This is why our main task at the moment is to spread the word that by transforming our connections from negative to positive, we will change the world and change our lives. Once enough people realize this, stage 2 will begin, and it will be much easier and quicker than stage 1.

“No Point And No Sincerity In Remorse” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “No Point and No Sincerity in Remorse

It seems as though we are in the age of remorse. Police officers in America are kneeling before black Americans; Emmanuel Macron acknowledged “his country’s use of torture in the Algerian War,” and more recently, admitted France’s “Guilt For Rwanda’s Genocide.” Also recently, “Germany officially recognises colonial-era Namibia genocide,” and a few years ago, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized “for Abuse and ‘Profound Cultural Loss’ at Indigenous Schools.”

These apologies pamper people’s egos but yield no positive results. If anything, it will, and is already creating a distortion toward the other extreme. Even worse, the financial compensation that is offered as recompense will only exacerbate the problems of the victim nations. It will ruin their way of life without giving them a sustainable alternative. If we want to help struggling countries, and we should want it because they are part of the family of nations, we should invest in education for humanism, for solidarity, for mutual responsibility. This is the way to build prosperous nations, and not by simply inundating them in money.

The Apartheid regime in South Africa was wrong, unjust, and racist, and should have been revoked, as it finally was. However, because it happened without first educating the liberated people, the results were horrendous. At the end of the Apartheid, the rand, South Africa’s currency, was just over 3.5 per 1 US dollar. By 2018, the exchange rate was 13.2 rands per dollar. Likewise, the GDP per capita plummeted from $13,000 US at the end of the Apartheid regime to $4,100 US in 2018.

Even for the oppressors, an apology is no solution. It can never be a sincere apology since the ego will never admit that it did something wrong, so if people are offering apologies for past wrongs, they are insincere, and insincerity prevents real correction. Also, when countries seek money as recompense, and nothing more, it is not a request with the benefit of the population in mind.

The only way to raise people from their current level to a higher one is education. And by education, I mean first and foremost education to humanism, to solidarity and mutual responsibility. Once a country achieves this, everything else will fall into place.

How Do We Protect Our Children

586Question: The International Day for Protection of Children has been held since 1925 “in order to draw the attention of adults to the observance of children’s rights, education, protection from violence, and the right for life.”

What does it mean to you to protect children?

Answer: First of all, from parents. So that parents understand how to raise them. I also knew very little about it, although they tried to instill it all in me. I can feel how insufficient it is. How can you make a young couple who knows nothing and does not understand anything into people who know and understand everything when they have a child?

This is a big problem. This is where we really have to do something with ourselves. Otherwise, our society, our humanity, will remain as miserable as it looks now.

Parents need to know how to make a person out of this baby. First, you need to understand from the very first day what you want to give him, what he needs, and what he wants from you. This is a nonverbal connection—mental, spiritual, neural. The one that should be between the couple and the newborn.

And then you need to give parents the necessary education, the nurturing they need to bring them up correctly. Everything that is necessary for two people who have a baby in their arms.

Question: So it is actually a whole science to be a parent?

Answer: Of course! And we do not prepare people for this. Therefore, we cannot say that we see among our babies, children, teenagers, girls, and boys as they grow, the people we could potentially see.

It is all our fault. And then we start blaming them, scolding them, demanding from them, pushing them. This is not the way to do it. Then it is too late.

We also need to make relations in the family, at school, on the street, everywhere a little closer. A child should not feel that these are completely opposite different societies. It should all be homogeneous. Here it is necessary to change society as well.

Comment: This is already the “Day of a Unified Society” and not the “Day for Protection of Children.”

My Response: This is the protection of children. From society.

This is actually our job, because otherwise our education will lead us to disaster. Everything you see in adults is everything done at an age when they were maybe a few months old or a few years old at most.

International Day for Protection of Children is a good day if we agree to create an atmosphere for them, an environment, that supports them and correctly formats them, turns them into a person, a good person, a kind, caring, and helpful person, a person who wants to help and accepts help from others.

There should just be an even kind attitude toward everyone.

Question: And this is the merit of parents and society only?

Answer: Yes. And then we will be able to see how everything really changes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/27/21

Related Material:
How To Save Children From Suicide
International Day For The Protection Of Children
Education Of Parents – Guaranteed Benefit For Children

Will The End Of The World Come?

629.4Comment:  Igor wrote a comment about one of your videos about the last generation: “You have come up with a terrible name, the last generation. But I like this name. Yes, we are the last generation because the end of the world is approaching. And I am glad about it.”

My Response: I do not know what he imagines as the end of the world. I do depict the end of our world.

The last generation is the last generation of egoism, the last that exists in this egoism, in this terrible relationship between people, etc. And then the next generation will come. It is not the last; it is the first generation of the new world.

We are still the last generation. We must recognize the evil of all of our past states and simply swear that we will never use it again.

Question: This generation should realize the evil of egoism?

Answer: Yes. So much so that it will never return to it so that this impression from the recognition of evil will remain in it and serve as the correct support, the soil for germination of a new generation.

Question: What is your job? To make people understand and accept this?

Answer: To inform them that we are egoists, that we must rise above it, that we must take the positive force of nature as the basis of our existence and not the evil, not the negative force of nature. And thus move forward.

Question: When such people ask questions, it is clear where they are leading to, that there will be an apocalypse, the end of the world, it is written in many holy books. What does it mean? What is the end of the world?

Answer: The end of the world means the end of our egoistic existence.

Nature is eternal, nothing ends, we will not disappear. We will still grow over and over again. So, nothing threatens us. On the contrary, we will be forced to return to these states again and again in order to draw the right conclusion and live correctly.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/15/21

Related Material:
The End Of Human Development Or A New Beginning?
It’s Hard Being Human…
A New Control

“Why Preserve Earth?” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Why Preserve Earth?

As the climate crisis escalates and extreme weather is growing increasingly frequent, experts are seriously pondering how close we are to the point of no return. CBS News reported on April 26 that according to Professor Timothy Lenton, a global leader on the climate crisis, “the West Antarctic ice sheet may have already passed a tipping point.” CBS News also spoke to other experts and reported that “their message was unanimous: Changes are happening faster than what was expected and the chance of hitting tipping points in the climate system, which just a decade ago appeared remote and far off, now seems much more likely and more immediate. ‘This is why I have been raising the alarm,’ Lenton said. ‘In just a decade the risk level has gone up markedly — that should be triggering urgent action.’”

Over the past several decades, we’ve tried countless tactics and ploys to curb emissions, decrease pollution, and diminish our exploitation of the planet. None of them worked. Moreover, we are not only exploiting our planet, we are exploiting all of life on the planet, and we are exploiting each other. The mistreatment of others that characterizes us is evident on all fronts, which means that the problem is far more systemic and deeply rooted than switching to renewable energy, for example, or curbing deforestation.

In my view, however, the question is not whether or not we hit, or are close to hitting the tipping point. I believe that the question we should ask is not whether Earth is doomed and we’re doomed with it, but rather why are we here in the first place. The universe we live in has been around for fourteen billion years or so. Earth has existed for approximately 4.5 billion years, and life on Earth began a few hundred million years after Earth was formed. We have evolved from atoms into molecules, from molecules into unicellular creatures, and from unicellular creatures to the countless forms of life on Earth in the water, on land, and in the sky. Finally, in the last few hundred thousand years, humankind has emerged. Gradually, we have become the rulers of the planet, exploiting its soil, flora, and fauna, polluting the air, the soil, and the water, and depleting Earth’s resources as fast as we can in order to gain power and wealth. Is this why we are here, to do all this harm? Perhaps, if we knew the answer, we wouldn’t be doing the inconceivable damage we are inflicting on the planet every second. The question of our purpose in being here is therefore the key question we must answer. If we know the answer to it, we will resolve all our problems and save the planet.

Over the past several decades, we’ve tried countless tactics and ploys to curb emissions, decrease pollution, and diminish our exploitation of the planet. None of them worked. Moreover, we are not only exploiting our planet, we are exploiting all of life on the planet, and we are exploiting each other. The mistreatment of others that characterizes us is evident on all fronts, which means that the problem is far more systemic and deeply rooted than switching to renewable energy, for example, or curbing deforestation. The problem that causes all our plights is us, or more accurately our nature—human nature. Unlike any other being on this planet, we are exploitative, mean, and abusive to each other, to all living creatures, and to the planet we call home. In fact, we are so heartless that we cannot restrain our greed even when we know that our doing will ruin the future of our children and grandchildren. Instead of a home to live in, we are handing down to them a planet-size pile of trash. What good parent would do that? None, of course, but we are not good parents.

Yet, not all is lost. In the first lockdown that was imposed nearly all over the world at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, multiple examples of nature’s resilience from around the world proved that Earth is much stronger than we thought, and can recover even from prolonged human exploitation. Therefore, if we solve our one problem, human nature, the rest of nature will quickly recover and planetary balance will be restored.

Changing human nature may seem impossible, at first, like pulling oneself out of a swamp by one’s own hair. However, we can learn from nature how to do that. In nature, things change according to their environment. Adaptability is key to the survival of any species. If we create an environment of friendliness, mutual responsibility, and caring, our nature will adapt to its environment and will become likewise. We needn’t change ourselves, but only our superficial behavior. Then, if all of society behaves kindly, people will become genuinely kind. Just as living in a cruel environment forces everyone who lives there to be cruel, even if they are not cruel by nature, the opposite is just as true.

Once we make our social environment friendly and considerate, our nature will become friendly and considerate. Once we become friendly and considerate, we will stop being exploitative. Once we stop being exploitative, we will stop abusing each other, other living beings, and the planet as a whole. It turns out that to save ourselves and our planet, our sole focus should be on changing our social environment from hostile to friendly, from abusive to considerate. Everything else will quickly follow.

Moreover, transcoding our inherent nature will reveal to us realms we cannot conceive right now. As long as we are concentrated only on ourselves, all we see is ourselves. But the purpose of our being here is to grow far beyond ourselves, to grasp all of reality, to understand on the deepest level why we exist, why there are life and death, creation and destruction, and how everything is connected. Only if we start thinking of each other will we stop thinking of ourselves, and only if we stop thinking of ourselves will we start perceiving the world around us as it truly is. This is why the one question we should ask in order to secure our lives, the well-being of the planet, and even our happiness is “Why are we here?”