The Transition From Individualism To Community

275Question: Some experts believe it is advisable to constantly change concepts in management to include the latest advancements of science. Is such an approach of constant transformation of the system possible from the point of view of Kabbalah?

Answer: It is necessary. But first, we must rise from the level of an individual approach toward the world, life, and solving problems to the level of an integral approach.

Now a transition phase must occur, from individualism to community. For that, first, a team should be created where, let us say, ten people, feel as one common whole.

A completely different view on nature, on tasks, on life, on everything, appears in them. They change the algorithm of perception within themselves and start to feel nature differently than we do, beyond any individual differences. A new level of thinking appears—integral, with completely new sensation and new way of solving problems.

When we rise to this level and begin to feel that all of nature, including us, is one common whole, we will relate to nature correctly and solve our problems correctly. Then we will begin to issue completely new management decisions, new instructions, and they will pursue a completely different goal. The goal is only to integrate even more.

At this cardinal new level, we unite more and more all the elements of nature in our consciousness so that it becomes more and more integral, including, as broadly as possible, all of nature and, as closely as possible, all of humanity. Thus, the increasingly manifested egoism does not divide us in any of its manifestations, but, on the contrary, forces us to unite above it.

In the new perception of reality, there are 125 steps of increasingly integral interactions.
From KabTV’s “The Science of Management”

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