The Long-Sought Meeting

939.01The essence of the assembly is for everyone to be in one unity and for all to seek but one purpose: to find the Creator (Maor VaShemesh, VaYechi).

Question: We will have many different actions at the convention. How exactly do we hold on to being in unity and “finding the Creator“?

Answer: We have no other goal. We want to connect with each other, discover the Creator, and come closer to Him.

He, for His part, will influence us and help us unite and reveal Him. This is how we will meet.

The most important thing for us is the Creator. He is between us, fills us, raises us, connects us, and leads us to complete correction where we adhere with Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/25/24, Preparation for the “Life in the Ten” Convention

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So that the Creator Shines in the Heart
Directed Straight to the Creator

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