Directed Straight to the Creator

935We just need to direct our hearts correctly. This does not depend on the person himself but on the environment, whether it is directed at the goal he has chosen. When a person enters such an environment and wants to join his friends, he directs his heart more and more precisely to the goal chosen by everyone else.

That is why we are going to the convention, it is in order to be imbued with the same spirit that is in it. Our correction depends on how well we manage to do it.

The heart is all the desires of a person. I want my heart to be together with all the desires of the friends striving for the same goal. Maybe we do not quite accurately depict it now, but we are always trying to figure it out, like in a sight that is more and more accurately aimed at the target, making it clearer, closer, and more desirable.

If our thoughts, desires, and heartfelt aspirations are much more connected, as if in one person with one heart, we thereby influence the general upper force, the Creator, even more. The more we combine our efforts and focus on Him as the only force that determines everything, we build His image in us more precisely; as it is written, “You have made Me.”

The more correctly we depict the Creator, the closer we will come to Him, connect with Him, and begin to feel Him. This is the purpose of our work—to correct our hearts. A person is not able to correct his thoughts, but he can direct his heart directly to the Creator, and then all his thoughts will be only about how to bring contentment to the Creator. When the heart is completely directed away from myself toward bestowal, the upper light will reign in it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/22/23, “Preparing for the opening of the heart at the Congress”

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