Invite the Creator

939.02How can we, together with our friends, invite the Creator to our meal? This is not difficult at all. The Creator is not proud and does not require a special invitation.

If we have even a slight desire for Him to be among us, He will come and be with us at our meal and at our gathering.

There is no force in the world softer, more yielding, more understanding, and more responsive to us than the Creator. Certainly, He will be with us at our Kabbalah convention.

But if we want to be with Him, that is a completely different and more complex question. For this, we need to acquire His qualities and get closer to Him together and feel this closeness as the greatest reward among all existing in reality.

Then we have this chance. However, only to the extent that we are ready to become similar to Him, to this force, which is immense not because of its great power, but due to the willingness to lower Himself and secretly help each of us in such a way that we do not feel it. This is entirely opposite to our egoistic nature.
From the talk at the meal, 1/13/24

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