Attack on Connection

943Question: How can we create such an atmosphere at the convention that the state of connection is our only desire and nothing distracts us from it?

Answer: You enter the convention completely empty of all your duties, deeds, and thoughts. There is nothing but thoughts of unity, only about it, nothing else.

Question: How do we seriously approach the work of creating a unified desire?

Answer: You must agree on this with each other before the convention—don’t utter empty words but only what is necessary to connect your hearts.

Question: What should our attack on connection look like during the convention?

Answer: To connect with each other so that there is no free space either in everyone’s heart or between us. We will succeed; you will see. You will suddenly feel that you have the strength, the desire, and the thoughts that you can do it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/25/24, Preparation for the “Life in the Ten” Convention

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