The Brain of the Mentally Ill

13.03Question: Very often we associate a person’s appearance with some way. Let’s say I have a friend who looks and thinks a certain way, and all of a sudden he goes crazy. But, in principle, outwardly it looks as usual, but it is not at all adequate. What’s going on with him?

Very often we associate a person’s appearance with a certain image. Let’s say I have a friend who looks and thinks a certain way, and he all of a sudden becomes mentally ill. However, in principle, he looks as usual externally, but he is absolutely inadequate. What is happening to him?

Answer: There are problems in the brain. There are no diseases as such, we are not ill with anything. Our disease is an incorrect perception of reality at the inanimate, vegetative, animate, or human level.

Our brain is a holographic system that is connected to the brain of the universe, with all the brains, if I may say so, of inanimate, vegetative, animate, or human beings at the general level of information, energy, that archives transmission of all data and their reproduction.

We all represent one single system, only each of us feels it as much as he can enter into it, solidify, and work in it.

Why is Kabbalah called “the science of reception”? Although each of us is now on the far periphery of this common, global holographic device of the entire universe, Kabbalah allows a person to enter it and perceive everything that is happening within the immense collective desire and thought on all levels.

It is like a holographic image that is created with lasers at different angles and which can then absorb an absolutely infinite amount of information. But while each of us has not yet entered this picture, he perceives only his small part. Therefore, sometimes he perceives it from a certain broken angle. In the material world, this is characterized by us as some kind of psychological, psychiatric problems.

Kabbalah tunes a person to enter and exist within this n-dimensional holographic picture. Then for him there will be no problems of time, distance, all kinds of past, present, and future events, as well as movements at the levels of this hologram, when he sees it from different angles, from different sides and all together.

This is the state we must achieve. This holographic volumetric system is the authentic universe.

Question: Can a person with mental disorders undergo correction?

Answer: No, they cannot because they have a problem with perceiving reality in the correct sequence, and they are unable to be in contact with us.

Such people have always existed. But as humanity gets closer and closer to the correct entry into the general hologram of the universe, it will be easier for us to work with them, and fewer people will have mental problems.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Brain Of A Mentally Ill” 7/9/11

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