How to Overcome Stress?

565.02Question: Why is the first reaction of a person under stress to get drunk or take some kind of sedative? Is there any substitute for this?

Answer: The best substitute is not to be alone with the cause of the stress, to break away from it. This happens if I am in a group that immediately starts discussing the cause of stress and working with it, that gives me all sorts of advice, their empathy, and solves this problem for me.

This is the only real solution because it is a solution. It is not escaping it, not postponing for the future, but working together with others on what caused stress in me.

Others understand my stressful state and take it upon themselves. And I, understanding that they take it upon themselves, as if, overcome the stress. Then I feel that, in principle, I received this state precisely in order to pass it on to them and so that by engaging in this and correcting the cause of stress, they would connect even more with each other.

This can be compared to the way some organ in the body begins to send an SOS, and the whole body instantly comes to its aid and takes it upon itself to compensate for the problem in which it found itself.

Thus, shifting the problem to the rest of the body, it gets out of it. This is the only way to really correct any cause of any stress.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Drugs, alcohol and sex” 7/29/11

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