Contact with Kabbalah Is a Chance for Correction

214Comment: You often say that if we do not come to correction in this incarnation, then we will continue in the next one. It sounds scary because until you come to some kind of awareness, you have to start this process over again.

My Response: This is a good incentive to study. Later on the next higher degrees, when you are already advancing toward bestowal, you will find out that this is not the most important thing. But, in general, we must take care not to live life in vain.

At least you have a chance; the rest is in your hands. I give you everything I can, I hide nothing. I even pull out of myself such things that if I think carefully, are too early for you to know. I talk too much, maybe not for today’s generation level. Therefore, I seem so strange, unreal, and not quite adequate.

Then, after a couple of years, the things I was talking about happened. For example, I delivered a report about the crisis in Arosa back in 2005, and a few years later, everyone began to talk about it.

That is, I try to give everything and even more. In the blog, I also write for the future. In addition, we invest a lot in the system of integral education and upbringing. Everything we do today is a groundwork for the future. But the problem is that our theory is ahead of the practice. This is not good.

A theory should be given only to the extent that it is immediately put into practice. We are talking about things that are still completely unrealizable in us. But I have no other choice.

Question: Is it programmed in a person in what reincarnation he will eventually come to the understanding of the need for correction?

Answer: He already has this opportunity in the incarnation in which he receives contact with Kabbalah. He can come to it! The rest is his work, his freewill.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Need for Reincarnation of Souls” 7/18/11

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