When Will Antisemitism Disappear?

448.3Antisemitism will disappear only after the final correction that should happen in the world. But it is still more useful for the peoples of the world to follow their natural impulses as little as possible, which will eventually turn against them anyway.

In the future, we are to see that everything they have done against the Jews (after all, the Jews are a completely spiritual structure) will indeed become a horrible experience for them.

However, this is necessary for correction. As far as you go down, you go up, and at the same time you go through such opposing forces.

Thus, there are no winners here. Therefore, I would recommend being very careful with these things.

This is not because I am talking about my people, but because in the future (according to Kabbalah, and we see it from the structure of the upper world), all the evil that you have caused to others, you will have to pass on yourself.

Comment: In general, the classic approach is do not do bad things to others and you will not invite this negativity upon yourself. In essence, people are afraid to do something bad to others since it might be reflected in their future life or reincarnation, it does not matter in what.

My Response: Although this is a purely egoistic approach, because a person is doing it out of fear, it is still justified in the framework of our world. He is afraid of punishment, but still believes in the Creator, in some upper force, and in some governance.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hatred of the Jews” 5/14/11

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