Learn to Live in a New World

197.01Question: You have explained for so many years that we should be mutually connected, and only a few hear it. But even those who hear still continue to resist it. Why?

Answer: Because we are all egoists. Of course, we do not want this. But what you hear, slowly adapt inside yourself, and agree with, although you cannot implement it, already means a lot. Nature challenges us. We do not understand it yet, but at least we are starting to hear it.

Today we must definitely equip human society; otherwise, we will destroy ourselves.

Countries need to come to an understanding that people should work only for what is necessary for existence without any excesses. Development should go toward the public domain, not the personal one.

We have entered a new world; new laws of nature exist around us, and we need to understand them in order to learn how to live in a new world; otherwise, we will be lost in it.

Nature is inanimate. It has no sympathy for us. It does not matter if you are thoughtful or not, religious or agnostic, smart or stupid. If you follow its laws, you feel good; if you do not, you feel bad.

Now, when we are together closed into one global humanity that depends on one another, if someone somewhere does not comply with the laws of nature, I suffer from this. That is, we need to come to a common consensus and literally study the new world we find ourselves in.

The new world is an addition to physical, biological, and social nature. Today we depend on the structure of society. We must make it the same as physical and biological nature: global, integral, interconnected, and structured into inner harmony.

To do this we must study nature and arrange ourselves into exactly the same structure as nature itself. Then we will be fine. If not, it will simply destroy us. We are leading ourselves to destruction. If I do not follow the laws of nature, I suffer. I can cry all I want, nothing will help.

The wisdom of Kabbalah says that we need to be mutually compliant, mutually connected, mutually loving, and bestowing, that is, to be in harmony with each other. If we succeed, everything will be good; if not, it will be bad.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Future Society” 6/11/11

Related Material:
Unified Social System
Present From Baal HaSulam To The Last Generation
Instructions Of “The Last Generation”

How Do Words Affect Matter?

627.2Question: I heard about an experiment that was conducted where people wrote various words on bottles containing water. They froze the bottles of water and examined the structure of the ice crystals that developed under a microscope. These formations were very different from each other.

Some were beautiful, and some, on which such words as, for example, “war” or “death” were written, were not. How do words affect matter?

Answer: It does not matter how, but all words and thoughts affect matter. We live in one common world where inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, and a person’s thoughts and feelings are all combined into one single system in which everything is interconnected. I hope people will gradually understand that we have to think about what we are saying.

Question: Is there a connection between oncological diseases and a person’s thoughts?

Answer: They say that the negative thoughts and words of a person have a bad effect on him and other people.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips” 5/18/23

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We Found A Cure For Cancer
Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

An Anti-Semitic View of the World

961.1Question: Why is there an attitude toward Jews as if they are doing something that annoys the entire world? Having lived in Israel for some time, I see that, in principle, they do not accept each other. It seems to me that nationalism is much stronger here than in other places. Is that what causes the anti-Semitism?

Answer: I understand that you are trying to find the roots of anti-Semitism. With your anti-Semitic view, you see the problem in the Jews. I agree with that.

But you cannot see in any other way. After all, you will never be able to walk in a Jew’s shoes, to feel the millennia of exile and the attitude of the whole world toward you, and your attitude toward the world. It is impossible to describe.

All studies of this paradox of anti-Semitism will lead to nothing and will give nothing. It is impossible to investigate it at the philistine level, but only if we rise to the root of these problems. In order to rise to it, you need to feel this root.

I basically do not see any point in talking about it because such an attitude lies deeply within people in their sense of the world and in their nature, which is absolutely opposite to the nature of the Creator.

In the Jews, however, there is a point that comes from the Creator. I am not saying that it is good. On the contrary, it is negative in them, broken, and inverse to the Creator. But, nevertheless, it is in them.

Therefore, there is a special prejudice against them on the part of other nations. There is nothing you can do about it. Nothing.

Only those individuals who have a point in their heart and are working on themselves to understand their nature, begin, at the same time, to feel its source, including the root of anti-Semitism.

From a spiritual point of view, anti-Semitism is directed by the upper force at Jews through other nations in order to lead this historical wave in the world and bring it to a certain decision, to the goal.

Therefore it is useless to try to figure it out. I just want people to state it as a fact and that is it. You cannot do anything and you cannot prove anything to anyone. You are an egoist and anti-Semite. This is how you were created. This should be accepted as a given.

You will not be able to jump out of yourself and think differently. There are some things that a person cannot figure out yet. So there is no need to be confused with them. I recommend this to everyone except people with a point in the heart.

Those who really develop a point in the heart gradually begin to feel a different universe, the one from the Creator’s side. Then they see why the world is divided in this way and what is happening here. A paradoxical picture of all this is being revealed to them.

It is not about the Jews, but about the separation of nations throughout the entire huge human movement toward reaching the purpose of creation.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hatred of Jews” 6/3/11

Related Material:
Reasons For Anti-Semitism
Natural Anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism: Who Is To Blame And What Can Be Done?

How Can You Deceive Yourself?

284Question: You have repeatedly said that you can deceive your ego and somehow learn to use it and that egoism is like a donkey that runs after a carrot. How can you deceive your nature so that it allows you to go the right way?

Answer: There is no need to deceive your nature; you will not be able to deceive it. There are many means, when you look at others and connect with them, when you learn from all of humanity how to come closer to everyone, when you examine the surrounding society and learn something, they teach you, they tell you, and you gradually become imbued with it.

But the most important thing is that in all these attempts there is nothing required of you except the desire to make yourself a global, integral community with everyone. That is all. Just make an attempt, and through it you want to become good and big. This desire is enough.

As soon as it is manifested on your part, the good attitude of nature immediately appears toward it and you begin to change. All you need is a desire, like a small child who wants to be big. You need nothing, just this kind of effort, “I want,” and that is enough.

Then you come to a completely different inner structure, to an integral community, and to a feeling not of I, but of we. You begin to perceive the world around you as your world. Previously it seemed to you that you wanted to conquer it so that it would be yours. It is in this form that you will receive it when you begin to connect with it in the form of we and not in the form of I or mine.

The world will not be mine, but ours, and you will feel this “our” world as your own, as absolutely safe, absolutely even, and open.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Deceive Yourself?” 5/28/11

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Can We Change Ourselves?
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What Can Change An Individual?

How to Raise Confident Children

281.02Question: Should we give money to children?

Answer: Generally, yes. It depends on what it is for, but for sure, we should. On the one hand children should understand the value of money, and on the other hand what can be done with it and how.

Question: Did you give money to your children?

Answer: Of course.

Question: How do we raise confident children?

Answer: This is a problem. The most important thing is to show them that they can be confident in themselves.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips” 5/18/23

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The Future Of Education
The Proper Education For A Person

“Is it possible for a Jew to be an anti-Semite?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Is it possible for a Jew to be an anti-Semite?

A Jew can be an antisemite because being Jewish is not a nationality.

To be a Jew means to be drawn to “love your neighbor as yourself,” i.e., to host an attraction to unity. It is a special kind of perception of reality where a person thinks that everyone needs a harmonious connection more than anything else.

People who are immersed in self-love, emphasizing self-benefit at the expense of others, are not Jews.

Therefore, in order to stop antisemitism, the unifying force of love needs to emerge among the Jewish people. It can happen when we understand that without drawing closer to each other, we will disappear off the face of the planet.
Based on the video “How Can Jews be Antisemites?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/28/23

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, Article 32, “Concerning the Reward of the Receivers”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 106

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3rd part of the Lesson — Lesson on the Topic “Preparation for Convention”

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Selected Highlights

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Communication on the Same Level

115Question: When you began to study with Rabash, you were still in the ordinary perception of this world. Did it not seem strange to you that he talked about the spiritual world?

Answer: Do you think he told me a lot?! Very little! Basically, we talked at my level about the methods of spiritual work, the dissemination of Kabbalah in the world, and the ideas of Baal HaSulam. I could not speak at a level above myself because I did not understand anything in it.

It is the same as in any science! How can you tell a first-grader what he will study in the next classes if he still does not have this knowledge at all? And here one needs not just knowledge, but attainment. That is, he will talk, and you will not understand what he is talking about.

Now I also say things that do not affect you. But I say them. It is recorded. Later you will use the archive.

Comment: In principle, you and Rabash studied TES (Talmud Eser Sefirot), which can be structured.

My Response: It can be structured, nothing more. But from this structure, you begin to slowly extract some principles for yourself: how the light influences the desire, how the desire influences the light in return, what combination occurs between them, and the play of one with the other. The most important thing is the influence of the study on you.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Teacher” 4/30/11

Related Material:
My First Passover With Rabash
Rabash: Spiritual Revolution
Always With You – My Teacher The Rabash and I

What Is Jealousy?

543.02Question: Does jealousy have a root? Where does it come from?

Answer: In our world jealousy comes from the egoistic feeling of “I have this, it is mine, and I receive pleasure from this, but no one else does. Do not take my bone, or I will bite you.”

But as soon as I become indifferent to this object, let others grab it, take it, and tear it apart into shreds, then I am no longer interested in it. And if it does interest me, then it is only from my point of view so the other person will not feel better than me.

Spiritual states are built only on the combination and mutual participation in receiving the upper light. The female part cannot be without the male part and the male without the female one.

Question: Is there no such thing as jealousy in spirituality?

Answer: What is jealousy? Jealousy of whom or what? There is jealousy only of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Jealousy?” 18/5/11

Related Material:
The Wisdom Of King Solomon: “Who Can Endure Jealousy?”
Jealousy And Envy Are Unique To Man
Envy, Lust, And Honor Bring One Out Of The World